33mm Socket | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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33mm Socket


Explorer Addict
August 29, 2001
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91 XLT, 02 XLS
Where can I find a 33mm socket to fit the pitman arm nut on the steering gearbox.

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Try NAPA, or Snap on tool trucks. The socket you need would be in the large ratchet size, the 3/4" drive I think?

ya 33 is pretty big try snap on, stanly proto or grey tools

Finally found one after calling about 12 tool supply stores, where they has several just sitting on the shelf. Napa can special order it though, but you have to get the part number online, the guy at the desk had no clue until I gave him the #.

It's a rare bird, looked in Craftsman, Grainger, Neille Laveille, MsMaster Carr and MSC, none listed.

1 5/16" maybe, but it still fit kinda sloppy to torque 200 ft lbs. 1 5/8" would be way too big.

1/4" = 1.250"
32mm = 1.259
the nut measured 1.280"
33mm = 1.299"
1 5/16" = 1.3125"

1 5/8" = 1.625"

Originally posted by lonestar
1 5/16" maybe, but it still fit kinda sloppy to torque 200 ft lbs. 1 5/8" would be way too big.

1/4" = 1.250"
32mm = 1.259
the nut measured 1.280"
33mm = 1.299"
1 5/16" = 1.3125"

1 5/8" = 1.625"

You are correct. I used the 1 5/8" on my Superduty pitman arm. The Ranger/Explorer is 1 5/16".

I really didn't care to run around town or special order a socket to make up 0.0325".
