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33's and Radius Arms

I'm wonderin' if you guys with 33's on 15x8's have a problem with rubbing on the radius arms at full lock? My Dad's '84 F-150 (Damn that 300 Rocks) did, but they were on 15x7's with a pretty deep offset... By the way, I'm not worried about the sway-bars, just the radius arms. Thanks

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My 32x11.50's on stock 15x7 rims rub the hell outta my radius arms at full lock. However, When I had them mounted on 15x8 wheels with 3.75 backspace they did not rub at all on the RA's.

Wonderful... I can't decide between 32's and 33's. If I can cram a 33 under there, I will. Glad to hear about the 32 though. You know, gives me options. Anyone with info on 33's?

I rubbed the radius arms with both the stock and extended radius arms and every tire/wheel combo possible. Not to worry.

My Rancho suspension came with extended arms and these rubbed on those deep offset factory alloys. When I went to Eagle 589s, they didn't rub (w/31s). When I went to 32" TSLs, they rubbed at full lock. When I went to 33" BFG ATs, they rubbed on the outter lugs also at full lock. This wasn't a big problem because I knew when they were getting ready to rub, and I adjusted my driving accordingly. Only when a mechanic drove my Ranger would you witness this rubbing - no big deal.


Thanks for the info... Helps me out ALOT. I can deal with it if it's ONLY at full lock, but that kinda bites. To get to my parking space at my house, you gotta turn full lock left... I guess I'll just park somewhere else. I appreciate it, ya'll.

I have had no rubbing on the RA at all - including stock and extended arms... and that was with 31" and 33" tires mounted on either stock rims or 15X8 or even now with 15X10 rims... it all depends on your backspacing...

larger tires on stock rims stick out more - that's why you might get them to rub on RA...


Cool... Thanks ya'll.

i have 33's with 15x8 rims with 3.75bs and they rub like crazy at full lock.
