3rd/4th gen stock wheels on a 1st gen? anyone running them? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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3rd/4th gen stock wheels on a 1st gen? anyone running them?

Is anyone running 3rd or 4th gen stock wheels on a 1st gen explorer?

I think they're all the same bolt pattern (5x4.5) and I know the backspacing and offset are different. I'm interested in getting a set for my '91.

Any thoughts??? Pictures if they're out there?

Thanks in advance!

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The stock 15's from 91-2001 Explorers fit just fine. The main issue is with the 4x4 hubs on the 91-94, the center caps don't always fit on. If you have a 2WD it's not an issue.

16's and larger wheels have different offsets, but are made for different tire sizes anyway.

Pick the wheels you like the most, get the right size tires to keep the outer diameter the same as your stockers (if larger than 15's), and enjoy.

I'm not sure if I can help you or not but I AM running a set of 16" wheels from an '02 Eddie Bauer on my '98 and they fit fine ! As said previously....my son ran into the same problem with the center caps....he tried to put Jeep Grand Cherokee ICON wheels on his and the centers were different....that might happen to you 1st gen with other wheels ? I had the teardrops on mine and found a sweet set from the '02 and they do fit fine on that...no rubbing. Hope I helped a little. Good Luck. Let me know if you need pictures. Rich

ive seen somepix of first gens with second gen rims somewhere in the galleries. probly would fit i think the lug arrangement is the same not sure about offset and backspacing
