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Here are some pics of the truck before it goes in the shop this week... you guys helped me with many ideas that i am gonna be doing with this truck.

I think some clear corners would look awesome with what you have on the headlights:thumbsup:

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That looks a lot better than I thought it would! I didn't realize it had those braces below the center bar there, that makes it look a lot better. You know what's next, right?:


And really? Two tow hooks for $25? I've been wanting to go to the local yard and getting myself some, but I was afraid they would be a lot more and tap into my lift money! I almost want to call and see if they have any right here in class!

And really? Two tow hooks for $25? I've been wanting to go to the local yard and getting myself some, but I was afraid they would be a lot more and tap into my lift money! I almost want to call and see if they have any right here in class!

Yeah man... the yard i went to had lots of them... it was almost like a Ford graveyward...lol 5-6 F150s, 7 Expeditions, Countless Explorers [all Gens], 2Monties, 2 Aviators, maybe 3 Rangers, and even a SportTrac. I am going back for the Mirrors i want!
At first i was Going to get the the hooks from an Expedition but then i saw the F-150s lined up...
good day at the yard!

Nate thats awesome !

i completely removed the little windskirt also, it actually makes the front end look taller lol

Also, do you know what all vehicles the tow hooks will fit on my car? The yard I will be visiting this afternoon has only been open for about 6 months, and last time I went they had a couple of 90's explorers but nothing newer. I saw about a 00 f-150 towed in about 2 weeks ago. so what years, and what models?

Also Caldwell, I need to talk to you about something. Here is not the place, but I have been wanting to get certified or registered to be like an emergency first responder as like a volunteer kind of thing. I wanted to see if you know what all I need to do, being a fireman and all, but they may be different being you are at the airport and I am way out here in the middle of the woods, thanks.

I'd say 97 & up F-series pickups and Expeditions (2) 15mm bolts in each with the back plate from inside the frame rail. Newer ones are just round loops while the older ones have 2 notches on the inside... but they all fit. I should have done a write up...lol

When inserting the back plate you will need to snake your arm up into the bumper area to slide it in from the front opening in the frame rail...

difference in fogs 10k left + 30k right

Just Fogs

Both low beam and fog light 30k

HID <3 Im thinking about upgrading my hid's soon. currently im running 8000K low's and fog's. thinking about some 10K or 12K lights...



Havent been on in a long time and have made some small changes to my rig. Looks like Icecube and I think on the same wavelength. Latest changes Ive done include removing the f-150 tow hooks and adding bull bar, aux lights (which i plan on buying an HID kit to match the rest), grille, painting all the trim back to black, and niteshaded the tails.






yeah the body lift has mine my bull bar sitting pretty low compared to yours. I couldnt stand the license plate on the bar though.

good looking mirrors btw!!

I only put the plate there 'cause the local pain-in-the a** cop pulled me over for not having it visable.

Havent been on in a long time and have made some small changes to my rig. Looks like Icecube and I think on the same wavelength. Latest changes Ive done include removing the f-150 tow hooks and adding bull bar, aux lights (which i plan on buying an HID kit to match the rest), grille, painting all the trim back to black, and niteshaded the tails.

Looking good! :eek:

I only put the plate there 'cause the local pain-in-the a** cop pulled me over for not having it visable.

Nate, can you get the plate mount for your bar? I know that some of the bull bars have a plate mount as an accessory.

Havent been on in a long time and have made some small changes to my rig. Looks like Icecube and I think on the same wavelength. Latest changes Ive done include removing the f-150 tow hooks and adding bull bar, aux lights (which i plan on buying an HID kit to match the rest), grille, painting all the trim back to black, and niteshaded the tails.

Looks great.. I like :thumbsup: !

Nate, can you get the plate mount for your bar? I know that some of the bull bars have a plate mount as an accessory.
Not fully understanding what you mean. The plate mounts came with my bull bar.

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Thought I'd throw up a few newer shots...





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