4.0L sohc rear timing chain | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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4.0L sohc rear timing chain


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August 27, 2009
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Saline, MI
Year, Model & Trim Level
'99 XLT
I have a 1999 4x4 Explorer, 4.0L sohc. The engine is out and on a stand. Plastic guides are in pieces (big surprise). I pulled the engine when it got very loud, deciding I'd do both chains rather than wait to be stranded after doing just one. Timing tools and parts are in hand. Looking at it, I'm beginning to suspect the passenger side cylinder head will need to come off when I replace the rear chain. Can anyone confirm this? Also, any helpful hints before I tear this puppy apart over the weekend? Thanks for any advice.


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The primary chain was easy and the chain and sprockets lifted out the to for the drvier's side cam. But the guide is hitting a shoulder when I try to pull it out the top, and the jackshaft keeps me from pulling it out from the bottom. Looks like my choices are to pull the head or the jackshaft. Am I missing anything? Most of the threads I've found only talk about replacing the primary timing chain.

I worked putting mine back together today.After studying the same problem,I couldn't pull the guide out the top because it was catching on the bottom side.I reached under the guide at the bottom and pulled it toward the front ,away from where it was catching and it came right out the top.
My jackshaft gear was out at the time.

Please dont take the head off. No need to do that.

Leave on heads & watch TDC

In the next year or so I'll be going thru what you are now so I went back and read this lengthy but very helpful thread TSB 02-7-6 4.0L SOHC Timing Chain Rattle There is no need to remove either the heads or the rocker arms. As a matter of fact, some have replaced the rear cassette without removing the engine.

The thread emphasizes making sure the crank is positioned and kept at TDC. Apparently the tool can flex a degree or more. If you have the time, please post any tips you've learned when you complete the task. I wish you luck.

In the next year or so I'll be going thru what you are now so I went back and read this lengthy but very helpful thread TSB 02-7-6 4.0L SOHC Timing Chain Rattle There is no need to remove either the heads or the rocker arms. As a matter of fact, some have replaced the rear cassette without removing the engine.

The thread emphasizes making sure the crank is positioned and kept at TDC. Apparently the tool can flex a degree or more. If you have the time, please post any tips you've learned when you complete the task. I wish you luck.
U should drop your oil pan at least and see if its full of plastic parts.U may not want to wait a year.
On mine the primary chain tensioner was just laying on the chain with no tension against it. Luckly all the plastic parts were intact on mine.Also the TSB upgrade had never been installed.137K miles on engine .I replaced everything on the front. This job is not for the week hearted.The tool kit makes it somewhat very easy in one respect.

Do you hav to take head off to replace rear chain

Not as far as I know.But you have to take the transmission out to get the flywheel off to get at the guide bolt.

The rear guides usally are ok and are seldom replaced.
