4 wheelers with 20's | Page 4 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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4 wheelers with 20's

Where is the chrome piping? The chain link license plate frame, or any of the other played out "enhancement"? Why not replicate the pope mobile but limo tint the windows? Where has mankind failed?! I concur with the simpleton reply of "Stupid!".


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Originally posted by FORDisKING
Why not replicate the pope mobile but limo tint the windows?

LOL. I could so see that :eek:

Ill just stick with 20's on the X.... Looks hella better than gold wire 20's on a 4-wheeler.... I would rather have platinum 20's on any thing than gold wires in my garage.... gold is way old school.... chrome or plat is the only way to go... Just my opinion... Later RJ68

hey can I put adjustable (ari suspension) on my 4x4 sport x? it is a 96

Ok the X that was seen at heat wave was NOT body dropped... I was there and I looked for a 91-94 X.... I plan on being at this years heatwave with my X.... As for body drops, kudos that takes some time as for be'n the lowest cant wait till i have seeen the lowest... I am a X freak and love them all styles.. .If anyone finds a X roll I WANT one.. I am in the process of making one, I have the middle part just need to make the ends which is the hard part... I think the cowl hood gives it a agressive look... Just keep on with the bad exx's.... Later Racinjason

that is the stupidest thing i ever saw its just like the stupid bling bling cars that roll around my town god i hate the wanna be gansta!!
