4406 front output shaft end play | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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4406 front output shaft end play


Well-Known Member
December 19, 2007
Reaction score
City, State
Alpharetta ga
Year, Model & Trim Level
97' mountaineer 5.0 4406
Well recently ive been having a driveline vibration, but until today no noise. Well it turned into a ping noise when below 60 and goes away only when on the gas in 4x4. The front output shaft has a considerable amount of in and out play...just wanted to throw it up on here to see if anyones had problems with theirs? I plan on pulling the case sometime here soon for a teardown...

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Had the same problem along with a leaking front output seal, and a loud chirping noise. Also noticed in and out play in the shaft. Ending up swapping for another case.

Yea at about 25-45 it sounds like a 4.0 sohc that is about to wing the cam tensioners out of it lol....the only way to change the front seal would be to split the case too,mines not leaking but a snap ring on the inside holds the front output in..I cant remember what kept the end play correct though, may have a worn out case....

After talking to a trans shop the best guess without a tear down was new bearings were needed. This was based on the fact that the noise disappeared with the driveshaft removed. But a clean 60k mile case was a better option at $100 at a yard nearby.

Rock auto sells minor rebuild kits that contains the bearings for around $90

Edit: TIMKEN Part # TCRK4406 $92.79
