4R70W peices of gasket in pan | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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4R70W peices of gasket in pan


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December 19, 2011
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I recently purcashed a 2000 explorer XLT 5.0L AWD. w/almost 105k. I bought it w/102k so I havent put many miles on her yet. Anyway when I bought it n finally got it on the road(bought w/blow 8.8 rear diff)I noticed it shifted kindda sloppy n didnt hold the right gear while coasting down hill. At any speed(above 40-45mph) if I come to a down hill grade n let the truck coast, slowing its self down, by time Ive decreased in speed by 5mph the transmission will "fall" out of O/D into 3rd(I think) for usually only a few seconds n then goes back into O/D. Repeating EVERY TIME Im in a simular situation. It has NEVER slipped or not shifted into all gears, but once or twice it has held 2nd gear longer than usual befor up shifting at low speeds. (around 30mph)Not knowing the service history of the transmission compounded by this issue I decided it would be best to do a 5qrt fluid+filter change. The fluid was full and did not appear/smell burt or to discoloured, but upon dropping the pan I found the all to familiar factory build dip stick plug, ALONG w/some unidentified LARGE peices of what appear to be a silicon gasket floating in my pan!! My 1st thought was VB gaskets and ordered the Transgo shift kit(not the recalibration kit), all valve body seals n a new EPC solenoid. Once I received my order I noticed there are no gaskets simular in appearance/composition to what I found in my pan and upon doing some further ressearch its my understanding that Ford did not use a silicone gasket in the VB for my year tranny? (not sure this is correct) but DID use 1 for sealing the extension housing. Is there ANY way for peices of the extension housing gasket to find its way to my pan or do you suppose my 1st diagnosis(VB gaskets) is probably correct, OR am I way off?? It still shifts/drives fine and this is my DD so Id like to have the best idea possible of the problem and parts needed to correct it BEFOR I drop the pan and VB if poissible. I have done ALOT of research on my particular problem and have found no simular threads on it. Really hoping Glacier991 sees this and can offer some assistance. That gentelmnan is UNBELIEVABLY knowledgeable about Ford transmissions. thanks in advance for ANY assitance. This forum ROCKS

NO fluid leaks at all on this vehicle, tranny or otherwise.

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There is also no flashing O/D light either, though I havent brought it anywhere to see if I have any trouble codes. Also it does not always shift back into O/D after a few seconds of "falling out of O/D" into lower gear. Seldomly it will hold this "lower gear" untill I resume acceleration and it then shifts back to O/D and holds fine. Till the next hill.... Any ideas? NO TRANNY SHOPS in my area, hate to think what Ford would charge just for diagnostics n pressure taps check. Have rebuild manual on its way to..

Really, no one has any thoughts?? I know it is a unique problem w/my transmission but a problem no the less... I know it is NOT normal to find large peices of silicone gasket in your pan. You can clearly see where these peices were once in place between to machined surfaces. Ie. perfectly flat n actually rather thick, w/a "bulge" on on end where the gasket stuck out from between whatever two surfaces it WAS sealing. I mean it takes VERY LITLE throttle movent(1/8-1/4 of total pedal travel) to make it shift back into O/D once it shifts out. Or if I lightly aply the accelerator while kindda "riding the brakes" down hill it WILL hold O/D fine?? Guess Ill have to wait for my ATSG repair manual and pressure tester to get here, then learn a lill something while performing a "line pressur" test. Was hoping someone had an idea where that freakin gasket came from? That is my 1st question needing an answer, IMO

Hey man, I take it you haven't dropped your VB yet? Pop it out, no doubt that will answer your question.

Yeah, I plan to once my ATSG manual n pressure tester get here. Hope to see them today. Tracking says they're now in town at least. But I want to check line pressure and other procedures I assume are listed in the manual to try n get a "clearer picture" of my issue. Had hoped someone w/transmision experience(I have ZERO)may have encountered a simular issue n had an idea where my "mystery gasket" fragments may have originated from. Its my D.D and were in the middle of winter here in N.Vermont(+30 to -20 zero the nxt day/hour!) n I have no place indoors to work on this trk so I didnt want to drop the V.B only to find I dont have the parts/gaskets I need IF I could have avoided it.. Thats all. I appreciate the advise tho, thanks.
