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4W Low


Active Member
August 6, 2008
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Ypsilanti, MI
Hey Guys, I go to pick up my New (to me) '06 EB V8 4x4 on monday and I was wondering...

I test drove it and when I put it in 4W Low, It revved up to about 3k Rpm then took off, is this normal?

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ok correct me someone if im wrong, i went out and tried mine out. i backed out of the garage and put it in 4wL and stepped on the gas. I cant even get it to stay below 1000 with out moving. i have to stomp the brake to even get it up to about 1500k. I would say there is something wrong with the trans in that ex.

Did it jump forward when it hit 3000 RPM or did it slowly take off? If it solwly took off, that's normal. The Transfer case has about a 3:1 ratio in 4WD Low, so you get more power and a lot less speed.
If it jumped forward (and you're sure it fully engaged before stepping on the gas), you might want to ask about that before picking it up.

(Stepping on the pedal slowly) The RPM's grow (Truck doesn't Move), Reaches about 3k RPM's and Take's off Slowly, UNLESS I hit the Gas Harder, then it takes off like a Raped ape!

(Stepping on the pedal slowly) The RPM's grow (Truck doesn't Move), Reaches about 3k RPM's and Take's off Slowly, UNLESS I hit the Gas Harder, then it takes off like a Raped ape!

Are you on a hill, flat, whats the terrain like i know you said this was only a test drive. but since my explorer doesnt do this at all im curious as to if the road affected something. the biggest difference between the two is i do have the V6, not the V8.

Flat. Pavement.

The Explorer Shifted PERFECT under normal and HARD excel, no noises or thumps. And it took off like normal in 4W HIGH.

We need to get someone who has the V8 4x4 to test this because im getting different Rpms than you are but i have the V6.

Just saw your message last night and tested mine this morning. It seems to do the same thing. Put it in 4 low and the engine seems to rev up to 2k-3k with very little forward motion, then it shifts into 2nd (kind of hard) and the X seems to move much better. Never did get fast enough to feel the shift into 3rd. I would have to say it has to do with the 6 speed and shorter first gear (I'm probably wrong on this but it sounds good to me). I remember using 4 low this past summer down at the cabin and once you get out of the first gear everything seemed to work fine. I didn't have it in low for too long though.


Sorry, guess I should state I have an 07 EB with the V8 and just turned 14k miles.
