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4wd lights flashing


June 6, 2011
Reaction score
City, State
Stockton, ca.
Year, Model & Trim Level
1999 explorer xly
my 4wd high lows lights flash several times then stop then start flashing again any idea of what this can be

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Fault in the Control Trak system, usually a failure of one of the Hall-effect speed sensors in the transfer case. It Auto it works by comparing the rear drive shaft speed to the front drive shaft speed and if the rear is faster then it increases the dwell time on the clutch pack to increase the power to the front wheels. When it gets to full-lock and the rear is still seemingly faster than teh front it realizes that this is not possible and it disconnects and flashes the lights.


What is the vehicle doing when the lights flash? Will it drive normal or not.

I would drain the T-case fluids and look for signs of T-case failure. Dark burnt fluids, metal shavings, copper metal or white plastic particles, in the fluids will be clues to whats going on inside.

Let us know what you find.

Either a faulty sensor or the truck's computer needs to be reset. Try unplugging the negative battery terminal for 20 min, then reconnect. I had the same problem as you back in 06 and it hasnt returned since the reset. I drive the truck everyday, and 4wd still works great.

thanks all

thanks for the info i will start trying your suggestions

follow up

gmanpaint my suv drives normal no noise when driving the 4wh and 4wl lights flash several times when driving then stop for a bit then flash several times again this repeats all during driving

It definitely sounds like a sensor as long as everything is working properly and there is no "banging" or "chunking" going on.

got it fixed

i disconected neg battery cable for 20 mins and it seems to have reset the sensors so far so good

thanks for the info diconected cable and seems to have taken care of the problem so far time will tell lol thanks again saved me $$$$$$$$$$ thats a good thing

thanks Steeda90GT

thanks for the info it worked so far wouldnt have thought of that but make sense thanks again saved me $$$$$$$$

thanks for the info it worked so far wouldnt have thought of that but make sense thanks again saved me $$$$$$$$

No problem man. Im glad I could help. In my experience, this has fixed at least 50% of my warning lights issues. The car's ecu is like any other computer, sometimes it needs to be rebooted. ALWAYS do this first before scratching your head and bringing it to the mechanic to spend major bucks.

Hopefully the light doesn't come back for you. Mine came back one time shortly after that, and I did the battery plug trick again. The light hasnt come back since then, and I use my 4wd every winter...for 4+ yrs now (knock on wood)


yes i will knock on wood for both of us
