4wd Low light is on and now stuck in 4wd Low. Also traction control light is on. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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4wd Low light is on and now stuck in 4wd Low. Also traction control light is on.


June 1, 2015
Reaction score
City, State
Cedarburg, WI
Year, Model & Trim Level
I have a 2007 Sport Track. I just changed the stereo and now the 4wd Low light is on and the car is actually stuck in 4wd Low. If I hit 4wd High button the low light just blinks but doesn't change out of Low.
Also traction control light is on.

Any ideas how to fix? Thanks!

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I have a 2007 Sport Track. I just changed the stereo and now the 4wd Low light is on and the car is actually stuck in 4wd Low. If I hit 4wd High button the low light just blinks but doesn't change out of Low.
Also traction control light is on.

Any ideas how to fix? Thanks!
Are you in neutral with your foot on the brake when trying to shift out of low? I’d guess if it happened with the stereo install, you’ll have to go over everything you did. Simply installing a radio shouldn’t affect your 4wd.

Well this is a 2007 so everything is push button. Nothing to manually shift.

Yea, I don't get that either. None of the wires touch or are spliced together either. 2 complete different harnesses that I'm aware of.

Well this is a 2007 so everything is push button. Nothing to manually shift.

Yea, I don't get that either. None of the wires touch or are spliced together either. 2 complete different harnesses that I'm aware of.
That’s how it is with most push buttons. You can’t shift them on the fly. They need to be stopped, with your foot on the brake in neutral.

This worked! Thank you! Installing the radio I must have hit the 4wd Low button somehow.

