4WD problems with 2012 XLT?? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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4WD problems with 2012 XLT??


New Member
September 9, 2013
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Craley, PA
Year, Model & Trim Level
2012 Ford Explorer XLT
Hello everyone, this is my first post here.

I own a 2012 Explorer XLT and I'm wondering if I may have a problem with my 4WD.

Several days ago I backed my vehicle into the grass in my front yard to keep it out of the way so that company could park in the driveway. The area I parked it was primarily level with it being slightly sloped so that the front wheels were elevated somewhat.

When I went to move the vehicle back into the driveway, it kept slipping on the grass!! ...and to top it off, only the front left wheel appeared to be spinning/powered. I eventually got it back out by putting traction strips under the wheel... but I was highly disappointed with the weak performance of the "4WD" system... maybe something is wrong though?



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Did you change the 4wd mode? Normal is primarily fwd. In something like that, try putting it in sand mode where it changes your drive to almost 50/50 front/rear.

Also, put your left mft screen to the 4wd system so you can see how the power is being applied.

Did you change the 4wd mode? Normal is primarily fwd. In something like that, try putting it in sand mode where it changes your drive to almost 50/50 front/rear.

Also, put your left mft screen to the 4wd system so you can see how the power is being applied.

interesting... didn't know it was possible to do that with the screen... There are a number of options/features on the vehicle that I haven't used yet.



...When I went to move the vehicle back into the driveway, it kept slipping on the grass!!...

Hi broguearcher,

You can always mention this at your next maintenance appointment so your dealer can perform an inspection. Touch base with me if you need any additional help; I'll be happy to do what I can to assist.


Hi broguearcher,

You can always mention this at your next maintenance appointment so your dealer can perform an inspection. Touch base with me if you need any additional help; I'll be happy to do what I can to assist.



Does my experience sound like abnormal vehicle function to you?

Does my experience sound like abnormal vehicle function to you?

Not Crystal, but yes...it sounds normal. Summer/All Season tires on grass on a grade.

Please take this as being polite - Read The Owners Manual. It doesn't sound like you are even aware of how to control the Terrain Management system. That knob below your right arm does specific and useful things.

Don't bother your dealer with the question.


Does my experience sound like abnormal vehicle function to you?

Hi broguearcher,

I'm not a technician, so I'm not the best resource for this kind of question. Your dealership's service manager will be in the ideal position to determine if your vehicle is performing normally.


Not Crystal, but yes...it sounds normal. Summer/All Season tires on grass on a grade.

Please take this as being polite - Read The Owners Manual. It doesn't sound like you are even aware of how to control the Terrain Management system. That knob below your right arm does specific and useful things.

Don't bother your dealer with the question.

You think I didn't consult the manual?!...or that I don't know what the little high tech doohickey on the center console does?!...in fact, I did and I do.. I'm very tech savvy. what I don't know is what to expect from the 4WD system on this particular vehicle.



Not Crystal, but yes...it sounds normal. Summer/All Season tires on grass on a grade.

Please take this as being polite - Read The Owners Manual. It doesn't sound like you are even aware of how to control the Terrain Management system. That knob below your right arm does specific and useful things.

Don't bother your dealer with the question.

There is nothing "polite about excessively large font with multi colors. It was rude.

You think I didn't consult the manual?!...or that I don't know what the little high tech doohickey on the center console does?!...in fact, I did and I do.. I'm very tech savvy. what I don't know is what to expect from the 4WD system on this particular vehicle.



Ignore him...

Normal mode is primarily fwd. If you put the mft screen to your 4wd, you will see it.

Snow basically kills the power, it accelerates at a snails pace imo but it is there to prevent wheel spin.

Sand mode is what you wanted and should have got you moving. As I said before, mft will show you it is pretty much 50/50 but the manual states not to comtinously drive in Sand mode.
