4x2 into a 4x4 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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4x2 into a 4x4


New Member
September 11, 2002
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Huntington Beach, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'02 XLT
Hello Everybody,

Been reading these forums for the past week since I just purchased a new '02 Explorer XLT.

I really love the car, actually I purchased it for my wife, who will never use a 4x4 so we got a 4x2 instead.

Well, I kinda regret getting the 4x2 instead of the 4x4.. Anyway my question is.. Can I change my 4x2 into a 4x4?

It would be cool if I could take my car back to the dealer, and have them install the 4x4 control trac system for $2000 or whatever it costs. Am I really stuck with a 4x2?



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I doubt they would do it, and even if they would they would charge more than twice that figure.

We can't really help you because none of us know enough about the 02's yet to tell you what you need.

My advice: Sell the truck and buy a 4x4. Then go wheeling :D

I don't know of a dealer that would do it. I haven't paid that much attention to the 02 4x2's I wonder if there is a height differance between them and the 4x4's. I could be wrong, but with the addition of a Transfer case, front axle, drive shaft, there are computer "programs" that may not be instaled on yours. AS the last post stated, It wouldn't be worth it. Buy a rear locker, and feel a litte better.


There are a few members who have done 4x2 to 4x4 conversions, one of them being Kris Guilbeaux. Though I believe all these have been done on the early models (91-94). I don't think it would be cost effective for you to try doing it on your '02.

Most people never use 4x4, and don't need it. A well driven 4x2 can almost always stay in as much control on the road and on fire roads as a 4x4. If you think you really need 4x4, then trade yours in for one. However, you probably don't need it and will be very happy with your 4x2.

not too be mean or anything, but why would you buy an '02? granted they are very nice vehicles but the capability just isnt there. there are no lift kits available and when they do come out they are going to be ungodly expensive. i agree with jason, sell itand buy something that is four wheel drive [but not fully independent suspension, unless you want a hummer]and put your money in to that. i recomend buying a 95-01 explorer. they are easy to lift and you wont have to pony up a lot of cash to do a 3 inch lift.

Dude he just said he got it for his wife, who, as he said, could care less about wheeling. In addition, is your name referring to mean green as in UNT?? Just wondering, I am a Texas man myself.

Originally posted by meangreen93
not too be mean or anything, but why would you buy an '02? granted they are very nice vehicles but the capability just isnt there. there are no lift kits available and when they do come out they are going to be ungodly expensive. i agree with jason, sell itand buy something that is four wheel drive [but not fully independent suspension, unless you want a hummer]and put your money in to that. i recomend buying a 95-01 explorer. they are easy to lift and you wont have to pony up a lot of cash to do a 3 inch lift.

Dude, The 02's rock for what they are made for. you can't beat the ride of 4 wheel independent suspinsion with Coil springs in each corner. AS far as off roading, Snow and some necessary trails is all I will ever do with mine. i want to beat something off road, i will take my truck. i can't wait for RCD to put out there coil over kit. i will put it on the ranger after it has been out a year or so. The 02 handles better, and can hold a curve better than any stock X to date. The ride isn't even compared to past X's. So what, I have no intention of taking my X over harsh terrian, nor does anybody paying the price for one. If I where to buy an SUV to take off road, it would be a Range Rover. I will never forget sitting in one while the owner crossed a little river with water almost up to the windows at times. It was less than a year old at the time with leather and everything. Nor will I forget him stopping on a side slop for a while to show me some old growth and the damn thing leveled it self.

Thank You for the responses thus far. Not really what I wanted to hear... :(

I was hoping that it would be a fairly simple conversion, but it looks like it is not.

Anyhow, like I mentioned in my original post, I purchased the vehicle for my wife, thus the 4x2; however, after thinking about it for a while, I thought it would be nice to have the control trac 4x4 system for the occasional trip I make to the mountains to go skiing or snowboarding.

I really enjoy the ride of my new '02, the handling is great, and it rides alot more like a car than my mom's '01 Blazer. The independant suspension really does make a big difference; however, as someone pointed out, the mods are not yet availiable for such a new vehicle. But that really doesn't bother me much, as it is primarily a family vehicle for my wife.

One last question, does anyone know if the '02 XLT that I have has a limited slip rear diff?



It could quite possibly be a simple conversion, but no one on this board really has had ample time/experience with the 3rd gen. yet..
