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4x4 clunks in snow


March 25, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Gaithersburg, MD
Year, Model & Trim Level
97 EB
driving in the snow in 4x4 my X makes a series of clunking noises. noise gets faster and louder the more gas i give it especially durring accelerations. the vehicle also seems to work extra hard when making slow tight turns and the clunks seem louder and slower. on dry pavement while in 4x4 the noise happens less, only about 30% of the time, but is just about as bad when accelerating hard. when not in 4x4 mode, when i accelerate while keeping the car straight, no matter how much gas i give it, the clunks never occur. but when i accelerate hard (still not in 4x4) while making a turn the clunks are as back!

what could it be? if is hold off on fixing this will it make things worst? (i have school tuition to pay for, but at the same time i dont want to get stranded and not be able to attend classes)

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Sounds like a U-joint on the axle. Might be easiest to jack up the front end and turn the axles to hear the clunk.

Edit: Sorry I didn't even look at the year. Yeah, I meant CV joint.

it may be your cv joints are the boots ripped in any way. also does it do this in 4x4 low

ive carefully looked at everything externally and everything seems to look fine, no rips or leaks in the boots at all. and yes it does this in 4low too.

Most likely in your front end. The boot doesn't have to be torn for the CV to go bad but that's the usual sign.

could this in any way be attributed to the t-case also? some people have suggested that it might be that too, i just want to get the best guess before i get under my car.

could this in any way be attributed to the t-case? i just want to get the best guess before i get out to work on my car in this cold weather.

Sure it could. Do you feel or hear the clunk? And from what direction? Check the driveshaft while you are under there. I would check all three just to be sure.

cant really tell exactly where the noise is comming from while i am driving, but i can definitely feel the clunks in my seat.

Check your driveshaft and T/C.
