4x4 Conversion Help | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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September 10, 2012
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dayton texas
Year, Model & Trim Level
2001 ford explorer ST
Alright so im wondering how if I can that I can get a 4x4 conversion kit for my 01 ford explorer sport trac not allowed to get rid of it so I need to know what all and exactly what I will need to do this if you can please provide links thank you. :exporange

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There is a lot involved. I looked into doing the conversion a few years ago but the amount of work and money is a lot. You'll need a transfer case, preferably a manual, a 4x4 bell housing for your tranny or a whole new tranny, an axle with the driver side front differential, gears to match, suspension stuff like shocks, leaves or coils, control arms, steering stuff, like pitman arms, drag links, tie rods, and etc... There's a lot more I'm missing but when you do something this big to your vehicle, you can't really nickel an dime things. The money you'd spend would practically give you a 4x4 truck in good condition....

Buy a roll-over salvage & sit your cab/bed on it or buy a second Trac. There is no easy/reasonable way to do this!

If you want the most functional ST on this forum put a TTB front end.

so will the the parts from a regular explorer work and is all that i need what the guy listed on the link?

I've put a bit of thought into this as well, being that I had a chance at picking up a 2000 xlt with a blown motor for around 500 bucks. Even if you could find a donor regular explorer, I believe you would still need a driveshaft from a 4wd sport trac being that the sport trac had a longer wheelbase than the regular explorers. I decided to hold off on this Frankenstein project since my ST is still running like a champ, and handles business on the trail with the lockers and lift, so why put older parts on my prisitne rig? We have our JK and Subaru when the snow gets really rough anyway. I would suggest lockers and good tires if you want more offroad capabilities, but being that you want to take this on, my advice is study study study!

There's a guy on dezertrangers selling his entire 4x4 kit from his ranger for cheap.

the list would include minimum of:

*transfer case
*4wd transmission/ or 4wd rear output shaft and rear tailhousing to adapt 2wd trans to 4wd
*appropriate driveshafts front and rear
after those you got options front solid axle or factory IFS. the list continues from there depending on your choices

front to back,

steering knuckles,
cv axles
front differential, and mounts
front driveshaft
transmission,(would have to be a match for the existing one,but for 4wd)
transfer case, (would have to be a manual cause no shift motor wiring is there)
transmission and transfer case mount,
rear driveshaft
and a bunch of work to install all of it,

all the shocks and such would still be the same, but might need stiffer torsion bars for the extra weight,,
