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4x4 fixed


October 12, 2006
Reaction score
City, State
Cincinnati, Ohio
Year, Model & Trim Level
Ranger '95 XLT
thank you for your help guy i got my 4x4 fixed today.. my old front locking hubs were shot so someone suggested wern manual locking hubs and i got some today and the manul conversion kit. and i could not help myself i had to go muddin and they are so much better than the stock hubs i love it

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I'll sacrafice the convenience of the auto lockers for the reliability of the Warn manuals any day of the week!

Glad she's up and runnin' again! Take pictures next time. :)


good to hear ya back up and runnin:thumbsup:

have fun and yeah, show us some pics:D

l8r, John:cool:

Does anyone know where i can get some manual locking hubs for a 98 ranger. Everyone tends to sell to 1997 and from 1999 and up. I cant find any for my year.

For 98, Ford used a pulse-vacuum hublock on the Ranger. IIRC, 97 was still a TTB front end, and they did away with the system for 99 in favor of a live front axle. The PVH is probably more trouble-prone than the lousy locking hubs were on the TTB, but less prone to mechanical failure of the hubs.


Yea, i read where you can replace my year with the explorer setup, but i dont like them always being locked in. Has anyone bought a manual locking hub setup for a 98 model.

Also avm makes a set of locking hub for you vehicle check with tellico or do a search for them on the web
