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4x4 Low transfer case weird clunk


Well-Known Member
September 19, 2015
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Year, Model & Trim Level
1998 Explorer XLT

00.03 4wd low on
00.15 4wd low off

It is sound normal, or like me, sounds weird?

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my 97 makes the same noise, still works fine.

Well, the 4WD LOW no longer engage... no noise, no light, only the 3 relay clicks...

Today, I dismounted the transfer case motor.

Once out, I realized that it doesn't work at all. It is stuck.

I had disassembled it. One of the inner curved magnet is broken, too bad.

I take it to a electrical motor repair shop and the guy will try to replace the broken magnet.

The good new is, I was able to turn the 4X4 actuator with the fingers, so, the transfer case is ok.

That can happen when someone taps on the motor with a hammer.

Today, I installed the rebuilt motor.

Stranger things happens (LOL)

At first, the LOW only was engaged with the engine off (key in on position, gear in N, brake pedal pressed)

Then, into a engine running test, I heard the noises of the previous video, the LOW was engaged.

When I tried to turn it 2WD auto, the LOW light was off, but the LOW remain engaged (I realized that once was driving)

I had to unmount the motor again and go to HI manually.

The thing is, when the motor reach the end of the track it turn stuck.

I guess that's time for a new actuator...

Nope. You need the 4405 transfer case fixes from Omega Machine. If you don't want to spend the cash (probably $4-500 all totalled) you can take the transfer case apart and put the range collar in the right place to engage 4wd high/auto. Then, don't put it in 4low again or you'll have the same issue.

The shift fork holes get ovalled out, and the shift collar doesn't stay centered when engaging 4low, and can't re-engage 4 high/auto. Leading to a loss of drive as the case goes into neutral. Been there, done that.

@kevinspann thanks for reply

Did you have the same issue? just like my description? the same weird 'clunk' noise?
In your issue, the low range selector was stuck? you can't move it, even with tools?

The thing is, if I take apart the actuator, I'm able to turn with the fingers the Low range selector.

Just before the rebuided actuator stuck, I heard the electric motor running in one direction and another, just like if it can't found the right position.

Nope. You need the 4405 transfer case fixes from Omega Machine. If you don't want to spend the cash (probably $4-500 all totalled) you can take the transfer case apart and put the range collar in the right place to engage 4wd high/auto. Then, don't put it in 4low again or you'll have the same issue.

The shift fork holes get ovalled out, and the shift collar doesn't stay centered when engaging 4low, and can't re-engage 4 high/auto. Leading to a loss of drive as the case goes into neutral. Been there, done that.

THIS SOUNDS JUST LIKE THE PROBLEM IM HAVEING with my 95 ex so ill have the shop look at it or maybe a rebilt transver case and how do you know what tc you have ?

Y-day, I received the new transfer case motor from Rockauto.com

Today, I changed it, following this video

Very easy and fast to do, it took me less than 15 minutes to change it

My low range works fine again, but still having the weird clunk

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