5.0 dipstick tube | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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5.0 dipstick tube


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April 7, 2023
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2000 Mercury Mountaineer
Hey everyone. I recently started working on my wife’s 2000 mountaineer with the 5.0 engine in it. At first glance it looked like it didn’t have a dipstick in the tube so I ordered one off of eBay after finding out none of the local parts stores sell them. It finally came in and I noticed that the old dipstick is still in the tube where my father in law who previously worked on it must’ve broke it off in there. Is there an easy way to get the old dipstick out of the tube without removing the tube? If not what’s the best way to safely remove the tube so I can get the old dipstick out. Thanks for any advice.


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There is a stud on the exhaust manifold that holds the tube. once that is removed, the tube pulls out of the block. It's a tapered fit. I'd try to rotate the tube a bit before pulling.

You should be able to get the dipstick out once it is pulled off.

There is a stud on the exhaust manifold that holds the tube. once that is removed, the tube pulls out of the block. It's a tapered fit. I'd try to rotate the tube a bit before pulling.

You should be able to get the dipstick out once it is pulled off.
Ok good to know. I saw the one nut on the manifold and sprayed it with on blaster earlier. I got the crazy idea of drilling a hole in the plastic and screwing a screw in to pull it out through the screw. As soon as I started drilling it pulled right out so seriously thank God for that.

There is a stud on the exhaust manifold that holds the tube. once that is removed, the tube pulls out of the block. It's a tapered fit. I'd try to rotate the tube a bit before pulling.

You should be able to get the dipstick out once it is pulled off.
I hardly drilled into it and I didn’t see any shavings I needed to suck out before I pulled out. It kinda looked like someone else tried it before to get it out.


I’ve used forcepts in the past to remove these sticks after the plastic cap breaks off! Good tip w the drill! Some hot glue on a stick might also work

i was going to suggest using a coat hanger and heating it red hot, then sticking it onto the plastic part to melt into. might have works as well possibly

I broke mine one time while changing plug wires. I put some JB Weld on a plastic wall anchor and let it sit on top of the broken dip sick until the next day and then pulled it out

i was going to suggest using a coat hanger and heating it red hot, then sticking it onto the plastic part to melt into. might have works as well possibly
My stepfather suggested I put superglue on a coat hanger and try that but I didn’t have super glue so I used the drill lol.
