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Wanted 5.0 Headers

Parts or services wanted


Well-Known Member
September 11, 2004
Reaction score
City, State
Windham, Maine
Year, Model & Trim Level
'93 XLT 250k miles
Girlfriend just bought a 1997 Limited 5.0. It's not as fast as her Supra, go figure....

I need a set of new / used torque monsters or ford motorsport headers to fit this bad boy.

I have Paypal ready!

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I wouldn't go with FMS just form reviews I've personally heard. check out the torque monster header website and get in contact with them. Used ones... not gonna happen most likely.

Yeah I figured nobody would want to give them up... Worth a try, not spending the crazy price for the torque monsters new.

Are the TM headers stainless?

TMH are the only option for the 5.0. FMS are glorified stockers. Downside is, used TMH don't come up often (but they do occasionally). I would be wary about buying new. Bob (TMH owner) has been a bit "invisible" lately (not answering phones, not shipping in timely fashion, if at all).

Makes me glad I have a pair. :D

TMH are the only option for the 5.0. FMS are glorified stockers. Downside is, used TMH don't come up often (but they do occasionally). I would be wary about buying new. Bob (TMH owner) has been a bit "invisible" lately (not answering phones, not shipping in timely fashion, if at all).

Makes me glad I have a pair. :D

thats not good to hear....I had my heart set on some!

Best of luck. They are a great mod. :thumbsup:

I would hate to be stuck with the other headers as the only option. sucks..had the same problem with our custom Alero...two companies made them, and then only one...sigh..guess for now its just a sit on the money and start collecting parts for the 4406 swap, and go ahead and tell the wife "exhaust mods increase mileage");)
Might have to give them a call on Monday and try for some answers.

Still a wing and a prayer...

Scour Craigslist, it's about your only option.

Good luck finding a second hand pair. Even if one does come up suddenly, expect them to be snatched up quickly, so you'll need to be in right place at right time.

Your best bet is still new. I recall used sets going for a lot more than you'd expect. They hold their value pretty well. Being so rare, I understand why.

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