5.0 V-8 Explorer-Mountaineer owners | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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5.0 V-8 Explorer-Mountaineer owners

yellow coupe

Active Member
February 28, 2010
Reaction score
City, State
East Tn.
Year, Model & Trim Level
1997 Mountaineer 5.0 AWD
I have a question. Has anyone relocated the oil filter and done away with the oil cooler? I just found out what a pita it is to get to the short radiator hose between the cooler and water pump. While I have it apart I would like to relocate the filter and put the lower hose straight from the water pump to the radiator. If anyone has done this I would like to know the relocation kit used, the lower hose number and where you mounted the filter.

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I haven't done it but I'm interested in the answer as I can attest to what a ***** that stupid short hose is. I'd like to choke the living **** out of the engineer that came up with it. :mad:

I haven't done it but I'm interested in the answer as I can attest to what a ***** that stupid short hose is. I'd like to choke the living **** out of the engineer that came up with it. :mad:

I think he is probably the same sob that put the bolts in the driver side top ball joint arm to where the hard lines are in the way when trying to get the one out.

take the PS off (2 or 3 bolts i think) and its easy to change...

I have re-located it.

I used the L&L Oil Filter Relocator, and some -12 AN lines...

But I also have a 1st Gen, 2WD...



  • BlockAdapter.jpg
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  • FilterMount.jpg
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I haven't done it but I'm interested in the answer as I can attest to what a ***** that stupid short hose is. I'd like to choke the living **** out of the engineer that came up with it. :mad:

Kinda what I said every day as a dealership mechanic.:D

Good grief! They want $253 for that and the give you cheap ass cast Chinese 45 deg adapters.
