5R55E has inconsistent/erratic transmission shifting. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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5R55E has inconsistent/erratic transmission shifting.


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March 19, 2011
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99eddie bauer
I have a 99 explorer-Eddie Bauer with a 5r55e transmission.I've been having problems with erratic shift pattern on this truck.If i'm driving between 45-50 kph(2000rpm or less) the transmission shifts from second to fourth gear and i can feel the engine labouring at this point.If i'm accelerating from '0' to above 2000rpm but below 2400rpm the transmission shifts perfectly. If i'm getting on to the highway and i'm taking the rpm up to between 2700-3100rpm it feels like fourth and fifth gears engage before the vehicle is up to speed(again i can feel the engine straining).While driving on the highway ,if i slow down considerably(to around 50 or 60 kph)and then try to accelerate immediately to get the vehicle back up to 100 kph, the vehicle engine speed to actual vehicle speed is very high and at this point fourth gear feels like it's just dragging before it actually engages then at this point fifth engages less than five seconds after fourth.If any one out there knows what the problem is please reply.thankyou. Mileage-214000km, 4 litre SOHC engine,...

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I too have the problem when say your slowing down to a red light to probably 15 mph and then the light turns green, when i get back on the gas sometimes it will be like it shifted into 1st gear when it shouldn't and makes it feel like the trans is trying to catch up sometimes causing rough shifts. Bothers the hell out of me.

thank yuo for your reply and welcome guys

In reply to your question brooklynbay ,yes my check engine light is on right now .It translates to a ' small evap leak' after i had it scanned.did a smoke test to find where the leak was coming from ,found that the gas filler neck had some holes in it.Replaced the filler neck ,deleted the code but check engine light came back on two weeks later with the same code coming up after scanning.I am assuming that there may be a small vapour leak on top of the fuel tank as a faint gas smell can be detected occasionally.My od light hasn't flashed or illuminated to my knowlege.After reading some of the problems that some people have been having and the solutions,i've decided to rebuild my valve body but i'm still open to any opinions or diagnosis from any one before i proceed with doing so.thanks in advance for all your help.
