5R55S reverse servo has a pin hole in it | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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5R55S reverse servo has a pin hole in it


November 12, 2015
Reaction score
City, State
Middletown RI
Year, Model & Trim Level
2004 Explorer XLT
New to the forum, been lurking for a while and trying to sort out my problem and I see this hasn't been brought up yet.

04 Explorer XLT with the problematic slamming in reverse. When cold, it doesn't happen, however once warm there is the delay, then slam.

I took the reverse servo out to inspect the band and clean out the internals of the housing. Upon inspection, I found a tiny pinhole in the servo top.

Can anyone put their hands on a new one and verify that there isn't a hole in it? It's tiny and the only way I found it was that I filled the cup with fluid, inserted the servo, and air tested it and it was bubbling fluid through it.

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Are you talking about the piston with molded on lip seals? I don't recall ever seeing a hole. I will check tomorrow and let you know

Are you talking about the piston with molded on lip seals? I don't recall ever seeing a hole. I will check tomorrow and let you know

Yes, the reverse servo piston.

Thank You for checking

I didn't have a new one on the shelf. I will check a core on Monday and report back.

I had one on the shelf and I dont see any hole in the piston.

I am with James as the servo I found did not have a hole. Can you post a picture of the piston you have?

I'll do you one better and post a video, while it renders to YouTube here is a picture holding it up to a light:

I can see it. Thanks for the video,i will clean up my core part and double check. It has me curious.

I didn't catch it until I was going to re-install it and primed the servo and noticed it leaking out the top. It's such a small hole that it's easy to not catch.

The interesting thing is that it slams into reverse only when warm, not cold. I wonder if when it's cold, the fluid is thicker and the metal hasn't heated up and expanded just enough to overcome the fluid loss vs when its up to temp.

Yep I held the one I have up to the light and mine also has a small hole, this is not uncommon to have bleed holes, I guess its there to bleed any air out that might get behind it.

Learned something new today. I now know that the servo piston has a SMALL hole in the top. Maybe .020" Had to really look to find it.

Back to square one.

I don't want to pull the valve body, but I suspect that the reverse engagement valve might be at fault next.

After sitting for about 2 weeks with the reverse servo housing and the solenoid block assembly removed, another 1 quart of fluid drained.

I put the solenoid body in the ultrasonic cleaner and I was quite supprised the amount of gunk that came out.

I put everything back together with a new filter and about 8 or so quarts of fluid (put 8 in, some leaked out while setting the proper level). I also disconnected the battery and put a jumper between the leads to reset the computer.

After test driving and getting everything up to temp, what was a delayed then harsh engagement is now an instant engagement. However I now notice there is a 2 second delay, yet smooth going into forward and I honestly can't remember if it was there before or not because I was so distracted with the reverse issue.

Thanks for the update. I have never had any luck with putting electronic parts in the ultrasonic cleaner. You are correct about all the junk that the hold. I wish you luck. I feels good to do a repair and have a positive result. Great job!
