'77 F150 Axles | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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'77 F150 Axles


Well-Known Member
July 31, 1999
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Idaho Falls, Idaho
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'99 5.0
Could anybody tell me what the 77 F150 used for axles? I assumed Dana 44 and Ford 9", but I usually get into trouble when I assume something. Also, how much should I expect to pay for these axles, and what is your opinion about fitting them under my explorer? I've heard that axles from an early bronco fit best, but I guess if it doesn't fit that just means you need a bigger hammer right? ;)

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Yep, HP D44/9"...............the D44 SHOULD be disk brake, but double check it anyway before purchasing. The '77 has the advantage of welded on, and removable c-wedges, unlike the more common '78-'79 HP44.

They will fit under your Explorer, but they are full width (+/- 66" wms2wms), whereas EB D44s are around 60" (I think). The F150 D44 will be stronger, as it is high pinion. It is a great axle to use, whether to decide to cut it down to Explorer width or just run it full width.

Price will vary a lot. I paid $300 for my D44/9........others have paid $500.......others have gotten them dirt cheap or free.

You say the front should be disc brakes. How hard is it to convert the rear or even the front if they turn out to be drums?

The front will be discs if its a 77. If its drums, then its not a 77 and probably low pinion. The rear can be done dirt cheap, just stay away from "kits".

For the rear
$10 race car weld on caliper brackets
GM "metric" calipers (any 80's GM car with rear drive, Monte Carlo, S10, etc)
Rotors- im using 82 Jeep CJ7 front rotors. They are the right bolt pattern, but you have to machine down the axle flange a tad bit so they will slide over. Im doing it with a grinder, but uh....... you may wanna do it more professional. Ive heard that front Samurai rotors are bolt on on the 9", but ive never seen it done so i dont know for sure.

Stainless Steel Brake Corporation also makes a conversion kit for the 9" Ford axle. If you don't feel like hunting for GM parts, that is.
