8" Skyjacker Ranger Lift | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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8" Skyjacker Ranger Lift


Elite Explorer
August 19, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Mesa, Az
Year, Model & Trim Level
'95 XL
I just called Desert Rat here in Mesa, Az and asked em what I could use to put on my 95 explorer 4x4 for a suspension lift, and he said I could use one of the Skyjacker lifts, and so I asked him about the 8 inch lift, he said it would fit, if I bought the 2000 ranger version or atleast a 97+ ranger lift , does that even exist(year 2000 lift)? And what does anyone have to say about Skyjacker are there lifts good/bad? 8" is more than I wanted to, but he said the 8 inch was $400 cheaper than the 6" for some reason or another...

Any comments/suggestions or anything would be good.

I know no matter what lift I get and what size I'm going to have to "make" it fit, but what in general will I need as well. I've made up my mind really that I'm gonna do a suspension lift, I just need a bit more info on what else I'm gonna need to make it fit.

I have a friend who does some fab work, and he said he can make it work, I'd just like to get some more info and stuff before I go out and buy one, and give it to him, heh. As well as ideas, so it will be easier, whether it be about Skyjacker, superlift, trailmaster whatever, any suggestions would be appreciated.

I'm sure, this thread is out there already somewhere, sorry.

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Sounds like he is quoting you the 91-94 explorer lift.

I second that, sounds like a Skyjacker 8"lift for a PRE 95 Explorer with the twin I beams. Rangers kept the beams until 97 I believe.

I dont thin k they make a 8" lift for a 95+, you have to get spindles......................................and those are new and expensive........

So if the rangers kept the TTB until 98, wouldn't a kit after 98 work cause the 95 is IFS, and I would assume the the 98's or 99 rangers have the IFS, wouldn't that work then?

You are missing the point, they dont make an 8"suspension lift for the IFS with torshion bars....3" spindles are the only thing I have seen.

Gotcha, sorry if I'm a bit slow, I'm completely new to all this stuff..

The 8" lift aside, what about a 6" or 4"

Hmmmm......I think there are only two companies that are making any sort of a lift for the IFS, Superlift and RCD? (Maybe?)

You'r only option (unless you want to spend about $3K) is to twist your torshion bars,,,, I'll let the IFS experts take over now...

Here's a link


Trailmaster makes a 4" Lift (not recomended)

Superlift makes a 4" Lift (I have this on, it rides well, but there are quirks and some minor fabbing and things to watch out for) But I LOVE the way it rides, Handles like stock, but much beefier and smoother over bumps and terrain.

RCD will release soon a 4" Lift that eliminates the TBars (This lift is bad @$$)

Or go with the cheapest option a TT/Warrior Shackles 2" Lift and Body lift. Get the tires you want and keep that until your ready to buy a lift, or RCD releases theirs.

I may be selling my Superlift for DIRT cheap here in the next 2 months.



Let me know if you decide to sell. It would be worth it to me to go with a cheaper install sooner rather than wait for the RCD kit and pay more. I am in Phoenix and if you decide to sell and the price is right I'll come out and pick it up.

I might be wrong but I imagine the reason xploder will be selling his lift is because he is getting the RCD...anyways I got seconds on that lift. Doesnt have to be a great deal...just cheaper than original. I just hope I dont go with superlift....then everyone posts how great the new RCD lifts are. :rolleyes:
