86 b2 from DD to Rock Crawler | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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86 b2 from DD to Rock Crawler


Active Member
January 19, 2013
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City, State
North Charleston
Year, Model & Trim Level
1999 Ford Explorer 4x4
I have posted on other forums trying to get a range of ideas on mods to the b2 to transform it from a daily driver to a rock crawler. I have gained a lot of knowledge about the d44 swap on the front and the 8.8 or 9 on the rear. Right now I am debating on what I will use as the donor. It looks like I will be paying a visit to the local pick and pull to get both axles. I have called several with some early 90s F-150s and they are averaging about $200 for a front axle assembly and $150 for the rear. Of course I will rebuild the axles entirely before I install them. My question is does anyone know what year the f-150 went to IFS (cv axles not TTB)? My 99 explorer has that garbage under the front. I just want to make sure when I go I know what year trucks I can take one from. Also after posting on Pirate4x4 one of the members told me to get rid of the fm145 that I have now. I was just going to rebuild it and my 2.9 and roll with it. Is there any issues with the fm145 for rock crawling? I know I will need to run dual transfer case for the extra low gears but that will be the next stage after I get the axles bought and ready to go. So i guess in summary what is the year range I need to use to find the d44 for my bronco and is there anything wrong with the fm145 transmission I have in my b2 now? Thanks!

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Are you wanting a solid axle D44, or a TTB D44? The solid axles are 79 and older...

Are you wanting a solid axle D44, or a TTB D44? The solid axles are 79 and older...

I am not really sure. I guess really it doesn't matter I have heard good things about both. The d28 ttb has been pretty good to me so far. It has taken a lot of abuse. Is there any special pros or cons to each?

You said you were on P4X4 site, did you check out all the cool rock crawlers there? Now I'm refering to hard core Rock Crawlers, not desert race trucks cause it does matter as you said you want a "rock crawler"?

I've run the ttb 28 and the 35 with all the geometery changes one needs to do to it. And there were places I found that the 35 did very well, which mostly was in the sandy creek and river banks. But for the rocks, my solid 44 is the hot ticket. But don't take my word for it. That's why I asked about the crawlers you must have seen on the Pirate site. Just ask youself this, what style front axle was used the most, the ttb or solid? My solid is a 79 d44 high pinion with high steer, 5.13, locker and custom axles shafts 4 link. Soon to be a D60 witch will be worked over.
Check out Anderson's solid axle build also on this thread along with some of the Rangers and Ex's on other threads.

Check out Anderson's solid axle build also on this thread along with some of the Rangers and Ex's on other threads.

awwww shucks, lol

go solid d44, the only reason I can see going to ttb is if you are building a prerunner, I have a buddy who has a desert runner shop and he is building a rock crawler with ttb, I can tell you that he is putting far more work into that than I did into my SAS. if your 2.9 and fm145 work good they should be fine for a crawler, you are going to need some gear reduction, and the doubler is a great way to get that. I run 35" Krawlers and 3.73 gear in my diffs with my doubler, and I feel like I am low enough, even though on paper my crawl ratio isn't that awesome, like 82:1 or something with an m5od and 4.0.

i'm slowly going hardcore crawler with mine too, I was about 3 minutes from cutting the entire front off the other day, but I remembered that I don't have my own trailer quite yet haha. so I may need to street drive it occasionally. Feel free to PM me with any questions you have, Rookie and a few other guys on here are good sources, good luck with your build man.

Yeah i want to keep it some what daily driver. I believe I am going to keep the fm145 and I am looking at trying to run 5.13 gears.

Remember if you go 5.13 you can forget highway (Interstate) unless you run some large diameter tires. In my case I have 5.13 with 35" which are worn down and I do not get on the Interstate. When I go to the 39.5" that will change.

Remember if you go 5.13 you can forget highway (Interstate) unless you run some large diameter tires. In my case I have 5.13 with 35" which are worn down and I do not get on the Interstate. When I go to the 39.5" that will change.

we have one of those fancy new fangled things called an overdrive transmission Rick, maybe you have heard of them?:D also he doesn't have the torque converter to help with the crawl ratio that you do. But yeah at least 35's for 5.13.

That is what I am looking to run 35"s or 37"s I'll probably start with 35"s and move to 37"s on the second set of tires.

I think you could use a dana 44 TTB and still build a capable rock crawler. I have the 35 and keep up with Toyota's and Jeep's all day. I even had 33" tires when they were all running 35's and 37's. I even run a locker in the front. I only recently moved up to 35's. I will be doing a doubler and 5.13's, hopefully at the end of May or beginning of June. Look at 4x4junkie's car domain page, he has run the toughest trails in California and made it out every time. I eventually want to go solid, but will use a dana 60 when I do. I just dont see the point of building a dana 44 if what I really want is a 60, not to say a dana 44 isn't capable. Anyhow, think it through and decide what YOU want, then do it.

Yeah 4x4junkie is only running the d35 with his 35"s. I believe he has almost convinced me to run the d35 just because it is bolt in to my b2.

I like TTB, in fact I'm planning on a cut and turn d35 with d44 outers for my explorer so I can go play around out in the desert. but I feel like getting a d35 to flex is more work and more difficult on the fabrication scale of difficulty. 4x4junkies rig is fully *****in, but make sure you have the skills to tackle something like that. I guess depending what kind of suspension you go with an SAS can be a lot of work too though.
