88' T-Bird Turbo Coupe, "Patches" gets a new Hair dryer | Page 3 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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88' T-Bird Turbo Coupe, "Patches" gets a new Hair dryer

Next project vehicle

I've been thinking off and on about my next project vehicle. I decided I wanted a mid-sized 2 door coupe with low drag coefficient and a V8. I wanted something with EEC V for diagnostics. I first considered the MK VIII, Cougar and Thunderbird with the modular engine but finally decided each was just too long, too wide and too heavy for me to be satisfied. I've pretty much decided to look for a 2000 Mustang GT. I believe that was the last year for the black faced instruments.

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I cropped the picture, gives you a better idea................

Lost Sheep


Jeff - :navajo:

go for it! offer them $300 and see if they take it. or is it at the old yard you used to work at?

It is on the way to Anderson's, but no it's not at Anderson's or I would have gotten a call like I did with the current T-Turbo, all Turbo Fords that come in net a phone call to me first before ANYTHING happens to them.

I have been eye balling this car for a few months now, and finally they had a price on it, but the gates were locked, and they were close this time I went by.

Even at $500 that's not to terribly bad, but yes $300 would even be nicer of course.

Jeff - :navajo:

Ideas, ideas, ideas!!!

And I thought poor "Patches" looked like ass...........

Funny follow the leader commercial:


Well Patches the Turbo Coupe is all ready to go, still needs some paint, but the weather here has been so crappy that we can't do anything paint wise, and really the only thing keep her from being a daily drive is me affording the title transfer, so hopefully here in a few short weeks we'll get that done and maybe we'll also be able to get her painted and some window tint too, so she doesn't look like some hybrid mongoloid.

Till then she sits:







i'm almost wondering if you will have to strip it down to bare metal with the primer that's on there. it almost looks like someone used that crappy stuff that you get from a rattle can. if that's the case, you don't want to lay paint on top of that stuff.

Drove Patches home last night, no problems, and it was nice to cruise a turbo four again, just gotta love boost, and it was just sipping fuel compared to my guzzling truck I drive everyday, now to get the title work done and inspected.

Still needs an outside make over though.


Jeff, we talked about Turbo Coupe parts of a friend of mine a while ago. Which parts might you be able to use, he said he thinks he has most of it? Recall I said we parted out his old son's car, in about 1998 or so. Regards,
