Wanted - 91 coil springs front and rear! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Wanted 91 coil springs front and rear!

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May 11, 2013
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1991 Ford Explorer EddieB
where can a purchase, front and rear coil springs for 1991 ford explorer eddie baur edt. 4 door? they r worn out, i replaced all 4 struts alrdy still rides sloppy on turns/ pot holes. got a enlinement and the ctrl arms and tire rod and hubs are fine. im capable of pushing my truck up and down easly with my hands. has to be the coil springs. something offordable and relieble please.

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you need leaf springs for the rear. and im pretty sure its normal to be able to push a vehicle down some by hand, i can push the front bumper on my parent's Ram truck a couple inches with no problem and it has a heavy duty suspension... sometimes body mount bushings can cause tipsey turning and so can bad shocks, and several other suspension components. coil springs seem to rarely "go bad" if at all..

but if you need to get parts, sites liek Rockauto.com and some others i cant remember the names of (someone chime in on that one?) usually have tons of OE style parts for good prices.

RockAuto sells front coil springs for a good price. Check out the Moog heavy duty ones, I believe I paid about $80/pair last time. Installed them on both my Explorers.

For rear springs, usually the left side sags more due to the weight of the driver and fuel tank. You can swap your springs left to right, or what I did was I bought a junkyard right leaf spring and installed it on my left.

thanks i ordered moog hvy frnts. Also new leaf springs.
