'91 disc brake install questions... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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'91 disc brake install questions...


Active Member
April 8, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Tampa, Florida
Year, Model & Trim Level
'91 Sport MODIFIED!
Howdy ya'll...
I know this has been covered here in the past...but, I can't find an answer to my specific issue. Perhaps it is operator error at this end, but regardless...I need to know.
I have a newer('97) explorer rear with disc brakes in "the sport", a '91 and a mushy pedal that goes to the floor...makes driving kind of dicey!
I'm in for a new master cylinder and maybe a booster...Where is the proportioning valve that makes the 4 discs work properly? Remeber, the
1st gen had drums on the rear. Is this something to worry about?
What is the best solution to the parking brake cable issue?
I will also be adding ss braided lines front and rear for this "little" venture!
Any suggestions, pointers would be appreciated!

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Were your brakes mushy before the swap? I bolted in a whole new rear end from a 98 with disc into my 91 and the brakes were perfect, I did not have to make any changes.

The proportioning valve is on the inside of the driver side framerail basically under your feet. My stock 91 valve works fine with the discs.

You may need to seperate the booster and master and screw the pushrod out slightly, there is info on the main page about this in the tech section.

The e-brake is simple. Use the hardware from the 97 axle and cut the 91's cable near the t-case skid. Go to the hardware store and buy some u-bolt clamps, a turnbuckle and some thimbles. Works great. Use a jamb nut so the turnbuckle can not unthread. I used electrical heat shrink to hide the ends of the cut cable.

You will need an extra passenger side brakeline to fit the driver side. It will need to be modified by cutting the bracket/tab and turning it over so it fits properly. You will also need to make a new hardline to run to the center to match up with your 91 brakeline. But it sounds like you already have this axle swapped in and plumbed? Did you do it this way?


  • m_New E-brake adjuster.JPG
    m_New E-brake adjuster.JPG
    55 KB · Views: 3,584
  • m_new rear 8.8 axle - modified driver brakeline.JPG
    m_new rear 8.8 axle - modified driver brakeline.JPG
    46.7 KB · Views: 364
  • m_new brake hardlines.JPG
    m_new brake hardlines.JPG
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ive heard you need a 95+ mc as the pressure is different from drums to disc and adjusting the valve is not the correct way to fix this problems as it changes the pressure for the front also, causing one to drag or engage later or sooner than the other.i would say get a new mc,properly bend bleed it and make sure you have no air in the system.also the rear abs vale on the first gens are known for leaking or not working properly causing a mushy pedal.

Thanks for the response and the sugestion!
...I have a '97 explorer rear that already has discs. From what I'm hearing, the proportioning valve needed for this is for the '97 and is accomplished in the MC.
I believe that the "mushy" pedal is a failed MC...Everything else seems to work.
I think I'll go to a shop and have them fix it!!! Yeah, I'm one of those that can't turn wrenches...!:cool:

The e brake is an issue...It has recieved a "presidential soplution" and seems to work. I'm afraid to look at it...it might stop working!
I'll check for the proportioning valve and...I presume that it probably would need to be replaced! It id the original part!

No what im saying is you need a mc from a 95+for the disc brakes.the mc you have is for drum brakes,different pressures.

No what im saying is you need a mc from a 95+for the disc brakes.the mc you have is for drum brakes,different pressures.

I understand...I will be replacing or rebuilding what I've got which is a MC from a '97...the same car that the RE come from!

O ok that was never stated.
