94 explorer 4x4 with 3.27 in need of 3.73 gears. . . best options? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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94 explorer 4x4 with 3.27 in need of 3.73 gears. . . best options?


Well-Known Member
February 19, 2008
Reaction score
Year, Model & Trim Level
94 Limited Edition
I have a 1994 explorer with the lackluster 3.27 gear setup. . . I am not a huge fan, everything from gas mileage to towing seems to suffer. I love this truck and want to keep it. What will make it better IMO is to swap out the rear and front diff gears with 3.73 parts. I am not sure what the best course to take is. I am pretty sure that getting a 3.73 rearend with disc brake and limited slip (obviously from a later gen explorer) and retro fitting it would be the most ideal(and likely the bigggest pain in the ass cause of the disc brake retrofit) but would require the most work in the long run. This is something I would be willing to do if I could find the parts however.
I do have a few questions.
Would it be possible or easier to just switch the gears in the front and rear end without having to actually change the whole front and rear diffs?

Is there an online store that specializes in these sort of parts/conversions? (assuming they would not be horribly expensive, and by that I mean double of what I could find the parts for at a scrapyard)

Is there anyone in the Edison NJ area that would be willing to help me out in anyway with the task? I could trade various things including work or cash for a hand.

Does anyone just so happen to have the 3.73 parts needed for my 94 4x4 that they would part with for cash or trade?

Can I really expect my gas mileage and towing to both be improved like I have been hearing?

Sorry if I am asking too many questions, I am new here and learning a great deal.

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Yes, you can just change the gears w/o replacing the entire axle. Replacing gears is an expensive job to have done though, for both axles expect to pay close to 1k. I know shipping might kill the deal, but i have used 3.73 gears for the rear if you want them.

There's a chain of junk yards here in MD called CrazyRay's -- a complete axle will run you about $130 out the door. I'm 150% SUUURE there is an Explorer in one of the four (I think) CrazyRay's with 3.73s, each yard usually has at least 4 or 5 Explorers. And while you're at it, you might as well get a 2nd gen 8.8 so you can also switch over to disc brakes in the rear -- doing so would make future brake jobs so much more simple.

Thanks guys for the tips, I do think from the way it sounds that I should actually find both axles at a junkyard, the question is how much of a pain in the ass is it to install both axles?
@IZwack- in detroit there are two you pull junkyards called parts galore, they each have about 20-25 explorers in the and are cheap as hell. But that may as well be a million miles away, I just got out of there I do not want to go back just yet =)
So I think I may try and find the parts around here at a you pull yard. But if i can not, how far is crazy rays from Edison, NJ?

@Mounty71, just curious, how much would I expect to pay for those gears?

I'm in Lakewood and live in Somerset. I have everything you need.

Rear 8.8 3.73's - 170.00
If the front is an 8.8 reverse cut I've got them used for 60.00.

Let me know if I can help!

If you end up swapping axles or doing the gear install yourself, depending on when you do it I'd be able to lend a hand. I don't know how much help I'd be with the how-to part but I can turn a wrench pretty well. And even if I just came up to watch I'd do that, no better way to learn than to be there...

Well ericautopart probably has a better deal since he's so much closer to you. I was thinking around $70, that's usually about how much i've seen used gears go for. But i agree with izwack, it'll be cheaper and probably easier to just swap in an entire axle. Good luck!

Def. easier. I don't know about cheaper though. It depends on where you go. I PM'd him w/ a good guy to go to. Nice mountaineer by the way! :thumbsup:

If your guy would do the deed for a good deal I may just go that route, however I would really like to get rear disc brakes, so a later model axle retrofit would be ideal.

Def. easier. I don't know about cheaper though. It depends on where you go. I PM'd him w/ a good guy to go to. Nice mountaineer by the way! :thumbsup:

Thanks eric.
