94 xlt 4dr with 2in lift | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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94 xlt 4dr with 2in lift

July 19, 2011
Reaction score
City, State
Christmas Valley, Oregon
Year, Model & Trim Level
94 XLT
im a sucker for getting things that wont work, its just my luck. i put a leaf in the back and i used the 2 inch spacers that go under the coil springs that raise the suv. i have it all done but i have toe out really bad! i read some guys page saying his 2.5 lift kit came with axle pivot drops and radias arm drops. is an alignment going to solve my problem or do i need to find the brackets like that guy had in his kit?

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you going to need caster camber adjusting bushing you can order them from any part store yours might be able to get to work if your frount springs sag

it raised the front alot. should i buy the asdjustable camber or will lesshwab have what is needed?

You really can't buy the cams yourself since you won't know what size you need BUT I can say I'm just about 100% positive that the biggest ones will work for you. On top of that, may alignment shops don't stock the bigger Cams. The biggest you can adjust out is 2.75 degrees on the 4x4. The cam that does 2.75 degrees for the 4x4 is the same Cam that will do 3.5 degrees on a 4x2. If you have too big of a cam they can use the left over adjustment and apply it to your caster since we know you changed that too. The biggest Cam SPC makes is the 23194 which is 3.50 degree 4x2 and 2.75 degree 4x4. There are other brands too...

As for the toe, that is caused by your tie rod ends. When you lifted the front the distance between the pitman arm and the steering knuckles increased but you didn't adjust the tie rods.

The Toe they will be able to adjust. The Camber/Caster is another story.

The real question will be, what condition are your front springs. If they were at new factory height and you added 2" spacers I don't think you would be able to align it. If your springs had sagged say 3/4" over the years then yes, I think it will be align-able, although you'll need the bigger Cams.

Oh yea, 2.5" lift kits and up comes with brackets will compensate for the Camber and Caster change BUT, even then, your toe will go way negative until you align it.


thanks for helping me understand it guys. my springs where really good actually. i did have an issue with the camber before i did the lift (assuming that was why my tires where sticking out like they do) i dont think i have an issue with the tie rods only the camber because they are pointed in on the bottom of the tire and out at the top of the tire. it was like that before i did the lift but its worse now
