94 XTL DIES ON ACCELERATION | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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November 10, 2003
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95 ltd
Can someone please help me diagnose my problem.

This doesn't happen all the time, but when it does its usually at the wrong time (at least once a day).

My truck completely dies (stalls) it seems as though it happens mainly when I am attempting to accelerate, but I'm not totally sure if it has anything to do with accelerating.

I have a few theories based on my own limited knowledge and what I've read on this site.
Computer probs?
Clogged fuel filter?
Lack of spark? (fouled plug)???
Fuel Relay?

I have cleaned the MAF and IAC valve. I have changed a most of the plugs.

As a side question, can someone let me know if there is an easy way to get at the spark plug at the back (closest to firewall) on the pssgr side?
I might just be an idiot, but it seems that it is a very difficult procedure, I cant get a good reach at it with the brake booster and wires etc in the way. I also, tried to get at it from inside the fender but to no avail.

Any help/ideas would be greatly appreciated.

I am a new owner, and this is my first Ford (former Chevy man).:mad: :mad:

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I lost two injectors causing the same problem--needed to get through an intersection or crossing real quick, hit the gas and scream for my life. Do you have a mechanic's stethoscope? You can hear the clicking as the injector open and closes-if not you will need to replace. Others may disagree but I replaced all 6 while I was at it b/c parts are cheap, labor is $$$. Now no worries, better mileage and no fear of the yellow light.

Have you tred Cleaning the MAF sensor? when i bought my truck it would choke itself to death when i stepped on it. light acceleration was ok...the maf was replaced by dealer, but i have seen on here that cleaning it with a little carb claener or something can make it work like new...(maf sensor is attached to airbox) it looks like a light bulb element and IS VERY FRAGILE CLEAN WITH CAUTION...slow and steady allways finishes a race..\


I had the same thing happen to me and I had to replace the map sensor and clean the maf. You've already done the latter so you might want to check out the map sensor...

Keep it simple: check the fuel filter first. If is OK, so go to the next step. Obviously is a fuel feeding problem.
To get the passanger side spark plug, lift the X, pull the front right wheel and you can reach that plug through the fender. I do myself that job a lot of times and is the easiest way to reach it.

Good luck!

Andy ;)

Well this sounds to me like the very very common fuel pump relay problem.

replace the fuel pump relay and see if it stops.
Also make sure you LOOK at the wires inside the box for corrosion and make sure they are properly seated.

Do you lose all the lights and everything? Battery power? Cuz if you do I would then check the negative battery cable.

I have also recently worked on a few Gen I 4.0L's that have actual computer problems and complete failures.
These can be very hard to diagnose, because they are so intermittant.

My $$$ says its the fuel pump relay, or wiring to the pump

I had a problem like this, turned out to be a very dirty air filter, which was probably in the truck since it was new. I replaced and everything was fine.:afro:
