95-01 Explorers parting out | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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95-01 Explorers parting out

I've got loads of parts left over.

95 XLT
95 EB
96 V8 Limited x 2
01 XLT
99 XLT
01 Sport
99 Sport

Now Also Parting out a 95 Eddie 4.0 OHV Auto, and a 96 V8 Limited AWD

Give me a shout with what you want, just need to make some room and some cash,

Big stuff local collection only, willing to ship anything else at cost.

Headlights $10 each... just to give you an idea

Shipping is from S0K 0M0, Canada


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hey mate, have you got stock tailights for a 99? also, the knob for the climate controls, the selector knob, and the power mirror square knob and selector? prev owner pepboy'd it out w/ silly chrome and fast n furious stuff!!

yeah, I've got a set of stock tails, I've got the standard controls for the heat/AC and the mirror controls.

need your zip


yeah, just the black knobs...no actual switches needed. 3 climate, 1 light, the square mirror (up-dwn-rt-lft) and the little right/left mirror pc.

so you want the headlight switch? the buttons for the AC etc? and the one for the mirror?

and a pair of tails?


yup, just the round, selector bits. not the internal, mechanical part. 3 for climate, 1 round for headlight on/off...combo for mirror.
and pair of tails...

Looking for a electrical air conditioning head unit since mine just took a crap to replace mine in my 97. If you have any then just need a final cost with shipping to 88101.

Instead of the controls with the 3 knobs, it's the electronic head unit to control the a/c. If EATC is the name for it then yes.

I'm pretty sure you told me you have some leather seats? ;-) Anyways, I'm on the hunt for gray leather for my '97.....

Sent you a PM back blueka

do you have a lid to a center counsel for a 99 XLT in grey? to 43201

need a radiator for 99 xp 5.0 v8. if u have one whats the miles and shipped price to 61614

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Got any non chrome rear bumpers preferably with back up sensors?

Zip 98125
