'95 Explorer XLT tailgate emblem free to good home | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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'95 Explorer XLT tailgate emblem free to good home

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I'll take it. Does it say 95 xlt on it?


There's no 95 on it, it looks something like this....

E X P L O R E R [ XLT ]
Control Trac 4WD <--- (smaller letters)

I'm not quite sure what a tailgate emblem is. Does it stick, and if so will it still stick on mine? Pardon the (stupid) questions, but I'm not that informed on these topics.

Anyway, post a reply, and tell me how much shipping is,

It is the emblem on the back of '95-'01 Explorers. You don't have Control Trac on you '94 so the emblem would be misleading. Kinda like putting a "Type-R" sticker on a Toyota.

Just gimmie your address, and I'll send it to you. Shipping would be like 2 bucks, nothing big. You can email me at bowlergt@yahoo.com for the address.

Thanks, anyway.. I just realized I dont have control trac:rolleyes: so therefor it would be misleading.

Sorry about the confusion,


I have a 1995 with control track...I want it! I want it. Here is my address.

Rob Slade
709 Summertime Lane Apt F
Wilmington, NC 28405

Here is my email too:


I have two questions also...for the third brake light on your 1995 X, how did you do that? Also, how do you open your hood with the wire inserts in the grill? Mine has a latch you have to reach into to unlock the hood. Great looking job on it though!

Hey thanks Rob!

The third brake light decal was on eBay... all you have to do it type in 'Explorer light' in the search, and you'll see a ton of 'em. It's a guy with the name like econodeals or something. Great guy to work with...

The grill inserts I did by myself, and to open the hood up, I had to cut a little hole in the mesh, yea I forgot to mention that part. It's a little too noticable, if you look above the Ford oval in the grille in one of the pics, you can see it, so I'm going to try and make the hole smaller next time...

I'll send out the emblem to you Monday. :cool:

By the way... I just took a look at your site, and I realized that you're one of the people on here that I have bookmarked in my browser to look at pics of your trucks. You're the reason I bought my BFG's! lol

Awesome truck!

Wow, I'm glad to help. It is too bad that website is soo old. I have done so much to the ride since then. After the BFG's wore out, I went with the Super Swamper TrXus Mud Terrains. I looooove the way the look and perform. Let me know if you would like any updated pictures and I'll run out and snap some.

Oh yeah, by the way...thanks a lot for the emblem.

Sure thing... I'll get some pics of the new emblem when I get it put on tomorrow...

Hey Mike,

Do you remember the actual sellers name for the High Tail light decal?

I searched ebay and I haven't seen an item like this listed



completely off topic but i thought id add...
you can see it, so I'm going to try and make the hole smaller next time...

ha, yet again we are doing the same stuff. i did mine once and it was too big so i decided to replace it after a few months. this is so weird how alike we think. you dont plan to get a 10 in a stealth box any time soon, do you ;)

Originally posted by blkexplorer
Do you remember the actual sellers name for the High Tail light decal?

I searched ebay and I haven't seen an item like this listed
Sure do.... the name was 'econodeals' and here is a link to the mod...
Dead Link Removed

Originally posted by Fish Man
...you dont plan to get a 10 in a stealth box any time soon, do you ;)
Get out of my head!!!!!! :D

Yea actually that's the next thing I'm doing after white faced gauges and a carbon fiber bezel. Damn dude, that's scary isn't it? What'll we think of next? :cool:


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haha, thats so weird, i plan on getting one as soon as i find some money and a cheap one. as for the white faced gauges, done that as well! no carbon fiber bezel for me though. you want my files of the gauges, or are you buying some?
