96 eb fender flares | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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96 eb fender flares


New Member
March 15, 2010
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City, State
Central Pa
Year, Model & Trim Level
'96 Eddie Bauer
i have a 96 eddie bauer with the HUGE fender flares. i put 32" tires on so i took off the flares because of rubbing, but now i have a series of holes going along the wheel wells. what could i do to plug up the holes???

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are the flares in good shape? i will buy them off you if you want.

lol im right there behind you if you dont buy them
but to answer your question, im going to assume bondo, or if you want to do it proper then spot weld it? no clue. jb- weld maybe

If you want the truck to look descent then put them back on and trim them a bit along with doing a tt and shackle lift other wise bondo the holes shut.

aight thanks every1 and i hate to say but i already sold them thats why im looking for ways to fix the holes...

Spot weld the holes, grind smooth, finish of with bondo, sand, paint to match.

Or, you could replace the fenders, either new aftermarket, or used, for/from an explorer without flares. If you get used, you might even be able to find the right color.

Spot weld the holes, grind smooth, finish of with bondo, sand, paint to match.


don't just fill the holes up with body filler. it will either fall out, bubble or start rusting in a few months.
