97 Ex Amp install | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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97 Ex Amp install


June 16, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
Albuquerque, NM
Year, Model & Trim Level
97 XLT
I am installing amp in my 97 X. Is there a good spot to run the hot(power) wire through the firewall or should I drill a new one. I looked and could not find a good spot


Pull back the carpeting where the pedals are or the same basic spot on the pass side, there are rubber grommets there, cut and push the wire thru into the engine bay then pull in up to the battery.

And in the future use the search feature, I've personally answered this question twice in the last week.

Originally posted by Cartman
Pull back the carpeting where the pedals are or the same basic spot on the pass side, there are rubber grommets there, cut and push the wire thru into the engine bay then pull in up to the battery.

And in the future use the search feature, I've personally answered this question twice in the last week.

Yup sorry after post I did the search and saw at least 5 answers to this

Will do it the right way next time
