97 inner tie rods? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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97 inner tie rods?


New Member
March 13, 2005
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Columbus, OH
Year, Model & Trim Level
97 5.0, 2000 sport
I have searched the archives about inner tie rod replacment and I have a few questions.

1. Can the inner tie rods be replaced without having to remove the rack & pinion?

2. The drivers side inner tie rod is bad the pasenger side is fine would you replace the passenger side anyways?

3. Is a nylon zip tie sufficent to hold the boot inplace after it is reinstalled?

4. Any special tools required, or special tips to make it easier?

I have replaced inner and outer tie rods on a non rack and pinion steering before, but I have never messed with a rack and pinion system. I have owned alot of cars with them, this is just the first that requires any work.

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If inner rods are bad, wouldn't the rack seals be bad too? It'd seem that if that's the case, the whole rack should be replaced, not just the tie rods. Let me know if I'm wrong, and why this wouldn't be the case. Thanx much!

Jefe and Jeffe talking to one another :confused: !!!!! MY HEAD!! IT HURTS!

jwrezz said:
If inner rods are bad, wouldn't the rack seals be bad too? It'd seem that if that's the case, the whole rack should be replaced, not just the tie rods. Let me know if I'm wrong, and why this wouldn't be the case. Thanx much!

No, the rack should not be replaced. Inner Tie Rods go out more than you think -- once on my right (00 Explorer) and once on the right of my girlfriends 01 Mustang. It's not really the seals or anything that go bad. It's just plain wear. Just like your ball joints. You don't replace the whole lower control arm if you found the lower ball joint bad.


EDIT: I replaced both inner rods and the noise/play went away, and I have no problems to this day with it.

Thanx so much. That's really good to know. I just replaced my rack last year, maybe it wasn't necessary. Next time, I'll research a bit more!

ExplorerDMB said:
Just like your ball joints. You don't replace the whole lower control arm if you found the lower ball joint bad.


Except if our upper ball joints are bad, we DO have to replace the entire A-arm!

jwrezz said:
Except if our upper ball joints are bad, we DO have to replace the entire A-arm!
I knew someone would bring that up with that example.
