97 shoc4.0 vs 93 4.0?! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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97 shoc4.0 vs 93 4.0?!


January 29, 2003
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va beach va
Year, Model & Trim Level
1987 bronco 2
97 sohc 4.0 vs 93 4.0?!

So what is a better motor doing the swap in the bronco2 the 93 4.0 or the more powerful shoc 4.0
or is the difference mostly in the computer or exhaust,45 ponies is a big difference in these motors just wondering whats different?

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The SOHC would be overkill in a BII and it would be very hard to do.

Just go with the OHV. Contat 410Fortune and he can tell you how to wire it up.

just wondering

i really just wanted to know what the biggest differences where to show for a 45 hp difference between the sohc and the ohv motors in the explorer?\
Thanks guys

The '93 would be much simpler. The SOHC wasn't introduced until '97, which means the computer is OBD-II.

The SOHC obviously has a cam over each cylinder head instead of the '93, which is an OHV engine with one cam through the engine block. The SOHC also has a higher compression ratio.

Yeah, the SOHC is a do-able swap but its a real pain. Kinda like a turbo 2.3 the vavle covers are too wide to install into a early style ranger/bronco 2 chassis without using a Non-a/c heater box and even then you must cut into it. Then the wiring, I've preformed a couple of Bronco 2 4.0 swaps and in the 89-90 bronco2's the wiring from the 91-94 Explorers is a direct swap. Just plug and play, even the exhaust flanges line up with the 2.9's y-pipe. Its very simple.

Here's some pictures of what I meant by a SOHC not clearing the heater box in the early style ranger/explorer/bronco 2.



ok ok i get it

Well i just went ahead and got myself a eaton supercharger a bud had one for a 3.8 v6 and i was told it will fit or i might have to buy an adapter but this should compensate for that power difference between the shoc and my ohv!!I just seem to love power,And I dont like stock!!!:D

God I hate those people!

NO 1 The BBK is an Eaton, No 2 the Supercoupe is an Eaton


You CANNOT buy a adapter kit from Summit or noone else to just BOLT-ON a supercoupe charger. Not only are the cases totally different between the two the installation kit from Summit DOESN"T INCLUDE SQUAT that has to do with the lower intake or throttle body intake.

I'm so fed up with reading about that crap on Ebay that it really ticks me off when I hear this.

" Oh all I have to do is buy an installation kit" " $200 and I have a $3000 supercharger Yahhh!!"

You can install a supercoupe supercharge on a 4.0, I've seen it done and installed one on a SOHC of my own BUT its a TOTALLY CUSTOM installation.

Sorry, your buddy is wrong ;)

Later Doug904.

super not charged

ok so what kind of mods do i need to make this fit or work i can do custom!!Just point me in the right direction
