98 Explorer Wipers quit working | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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98 Explorer Wipers quit working


New Member
January 2, 2016
Reaction score
City, State
South Lyon, MI
Year, Model & Trim Level
1998 Ford Explorer XLT
I left my 1998 Explorer parked for a week with the wipers in an upright position. The last time that I drove it I didn't shut the wipers off with the switch. I just turned the ignition off and they stopped in the middle of the windshield. I went to drive it today. I shut the wiper switch off before I started the vehicle. When I tuned the key on, the wipers cycled to the left of the windshield and stopped. That is where they are now. I turned the key off. I turned the switch on. When I turned the key back on the wipers will move about a quarter inch. If I turn the key on and off repeatedly the wipers will move back and forth about a quarter inch each time. Does anybody have any thoughts on this issue? Thank you.
Nelson Thibert.

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wow, same thing happened this morning to my 2001 Sport Trac. I checked the fuse and it was OK. Next, I will check the relays, then motor, then linkages. Hopefully, I will learn something and let you know... Anyone else out there with experience?

Is it possible to manually reset them with the switch off and then try again?

When my wipers started to act up, turned out to be the multi-function switch at fault.

Is it possible to manually reset them with the switch off and then try again?

yeah, tried that. Keyed off/on with MFS off and wipers did not reset to park; stayed stuck at outwipe.

In my situation, I used the "mist" function to wipe some light fluffy snow off the glass, and it wiped to outwipe and stopped. if it was the switch, I would expect it to finish the cycle it started, but I could be wrong....

I will add MFS to my list o' things to check, tho...

Well, I kinda meant get out and physically grab those suckers and wipe them back down.

and then try the switch again.
Keep in mind I haven't had any wiper issues on any of the 4 Explorers I've had/have.

I'm just suggesting what I might try if it did.

If you grab the wipers and they feel like you're gonna snap them off, well then that might not be a good idea, lol.

Well, I kinda meant get out and physically grab those suckers and wipe them back down.

and then try the switch again.
Keep in mind I haven't had any wiper issues on any of the 4 Explorers I've had/have.

I'm just suggesting what I might try if it did.

If you grab the wipers and they feel like you're gonna snap them off, well then that might not be a good idea, lol.

OIC. The wipers are at outwipe, i.e. vertical up by a-pillar, so the linkages are lined up and locked. As i get into the cowl, I will nudge the linkage past lock-up and see if I can't do what you suggest. thanks for the clarification.

Well, I finally got ready to get into the cowl, and the wipers started working. It made a noise like it broke through something and settled into a normal wipe.

The only explanation I have is that I got an ice block built up over the time I had it parked..temperatures were back up to 40 the last couple days so it must have melted to the point where the motor could drive through it.

Anyway, good news for me, but I don't have any good suggestions for anyone else! Sorry guys!
