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new turbo pipes for the Troll

it has been a while since we posted pics or progress updates a couple of years but in that time my brother got married and what not so it is time to finish the projects laying around. this is the round two of the turbo kit, we built the first one ready to go just needed to start the truck. we decided we did not like it and redid all the piping. so things have taken alot longer then we expected. we still need to finish tig welding the uppipe and finish the down pipe and what not. as well as finish we welding the intercooler. we just finished sand blasting the headers and back housing today so i figured good time for a pic.





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That's a pretty big turbo you got there. What size pipe (dia) is the downpipe?

Is that channel iron welded to the frame?

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I really like the intercooler. Is that two in there as a double pass system, and what sizes are they?

it has 1500 hp air to water intercooler set up with double pass. i did a simlar double pass setup on my sisters subra but with just 750 worthh of intercooler core.

Very good. Then how is the cooler rated, is it a simple volume formula per HP? I'm eying an intercooler similar to the Lightning stuff, long and narrow, and maybe five inches tall.


  • air_to_water_intercooler4.jpg
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i have played with stock lighting and cobra intercoolers and even the GT supercar intercooler. you can get various size cores and stack them how you want to fit your aplication and size re straights. they make some really nice stuff out there and you could do some pretty trick stuff i you know what parts to you get.

Yes, I've seen a site or two which sell various sizes. I'm headed to the "R" intake with that adapter someone made for the intercooler above. It's a project.

i took some quick messurements of a 03 cobra core i had laying around which is good for 750 hp. 15 long by 4.75 wide and 4.5 tall. you could make a hat and matching flanges for a R intake fairly easy. also the opcon ag intercoolers that Benz uses on there cars are fairly small and compact. the cores are rated difrently by designe and size of course. what power adder are you going to use with your intercooler. i prefer to make the intake track as short as possible. my sister has the shortest intake track of any subura i have ever seen that gives it faster spool. my brothers intake track was about 4 inches shorter before i made this revision but it should work pretty good.

Wazzup Dan??
Howdy from the great state of Texas!
Long time no see, hows Bill doing? Heard you guys both are married now?
Good to see the old Explorer is still around, funny now I am driving one too.
Wish mine had the 5.0 though..
Im going to the SSHS9 shootout in Ga nov 7 then flying down to miami
for my dads bday, maybe we can all get together for lunch or something
monday or tuesday or maybe you can come up to the race?
Pat made it last year , it was a good time.
shoot me an email , my cell is still the same 305 number.
Nakita says Hi too!

Good find. I haven't seen that video in a couple years.

i took some quick messurements of a 03 cobra core i had laying around which is good for 750 hp. 15 long by 4.75 wide and 4.5 tall. you could make a hat and matching flanges for a R intake fairly easy. also the opcon ag intercoolers that Benz uses on there cars are fairly small and compact. the cores are rated difrently by designe and size of course. what power adder are you going to use with your intercooler. i prefer to make the intake track as short as possible. my sister has the shortest intake track of any subura i have ever seen that gives it faster spool. my brothers intake track was about 4 inches shorter before i made this revision but it should work pretty good.

That Cobra core sounds larger than I recall of pictures. That's about what i have in mind for size. I still think that any turbo pipes would be tough to run under the truck. I'd prefer that if two pipes(one pressure, one air inlet) can fit, but I have a KB 2200 if that is too hard.

That is about the right size for the cobra core. That is what I am using in my custom 351W intake. Setup very similar to the 03 cobra, burried in the valley with the compressor on top.

Who knows, maybe one of these days I will even complete it...

they make slimer cores that just happens to be what was laying on my dinning room table. like i said you can make some really nice stuff if you know where to find them. i also think that with awd there is enough room under there for pipes to fit. any thing can be done i am sure of that, that is some thing i have learned from life.

looking good so far keep up good work

I have seen those, but just like the standard core types, which forces the air through the core. With the laminova coolers, they essentially "float" inside a plenum. Not sure they would take out as much heat or as consistantly.

The picture was very small. It does look like the intercoolers are arranged floating in open space.

i have seen them in person and they do not show you in those pictures all the parts of it. when you buy them they sell them with racks that hold them to gether. i have seen a cross cut view of them before. when i go to the pri show soon i will take a picture for you. each rod is worth 150 hp worth of cooling. like i said before the roots blower that Mercedes-Benz aftermarket and OEM use them. that was the cut away i saw. i have also seen them used on a old school supra with a small turbo but it made great power do to the cores working so well, it was a drift car. if you want to speak with some really good people call bell intercoolers and ask them about what cores they have and make and see if they can help you. they make more custom cores then any one i know. Garret just makes cores and sells them to precision turbo and every one else and they put there own end tanks on them. bell will work with you a lot to meet your needs.

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Very Very Nice work......
