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'98 XLT Stuck in 4WD...HELP!!!


New Member
September 30, 2007
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Year, Model & Trim Level
1998 XLT
My 98 Explorer XLT is stuck in 4WD low after I took it on some rough terrain (which I rarely do). The 4WD has always acted a little funny (i.e. I always had 4WD high, but no low...). The 4WD actually engaged for once, and now I cant get it out. I have rocked it, reversed it, and flipped that switch every which way I can and it just will NOT come out. It doesn't even seem to be making a clicking noise now (as it did before).

Can anyone offer me any suggestions on how I might fix this without it costing me an arm and a leg? I have read a couple other similar posts, but I am still at a loss for what to do.

Thank you for your time...I really appreciate it.

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im no expert here on the transfer cases as this is my first 4x4......i have a 97 xlt. if i remember right i think you can try to turn the swich on the transfer case manually. i remember this from doing a t-case swap. on the side will be a black round thing that sticks into the case. maybe some thing came unhooked from there like you snagged something. maybe if you have some one flip the switch while you look and listev under the truck youll be able to hear if the black motor thing is trying to work. im sure some one will chime in with some ideas.


Some people (for some reason) have found that disconnecting the battery for a few minutes does the trick.

If that fails, you could remove the shift motor (held on by three 10-mm bolts I think, if not then 13mm), block off the wheels so the vehicle doesnt move, put the transmission in Neutral, and then turn the shift rail manually with a pair of plyers (be gentle).

Gotta start with the basics: In order to shift from high to low or low to high, you must be STOPPED, in NEUTRAL, with your foot on the BRAKES, then flip the SWITCH. If it fails to perform the shift, then we can start looking at fuses, relays, GEM inputs and outputs, shift motor issues, wiring gremlins, and other assorted issues.

The battery trick sometimes works (why? I dunno...). It can't hurt to try.


help with 4wd on 98 the explorer.

I dnt knw what to do cuz the short motor has power and moves when I put juice to the wires on the motor. The relay is new and the lights on the dash come on when I change the selector but the shift motor doesn't turn so its stuck in 4wd. I have disconnect the battery and tried all the normal ways to get it to disengage but nothing! ! Some things say its the GEM module but idk? Please help!!

I dnt knw what to do cuz the short motor has power and moves when I put juice to the wires on the motor. The relay is new and the lights on the dash come on when I change the selector but the shift motor doesn't turn so its stuck in 4wd. I have disconnect the battery and tried all the normal ways to get it to disengage but nothing! ! Some things say its the GEM module but idk? Please help!!
If the vehicle is stuck in 4wd and you need to get it moving asap, cut the "brown wire" which will prevent 4wd engagement. Search for "BWM" or "brown wire mod" for more info.

The shift motor only moves between Hi & Lo range. The front axle is engaged by a clutch (in the T case) activated by the GEM (via brown wire)when it detects wheel spin in 4auto. In 4Low is on all the time. And in 2wd it simply ingnores wheel spin but the Tcase stays in 4Hi.

If it is stuck in the wrong range. You may want to check the position senson on the shift motor. Thease are a commen failer point.

I recently bought a 1997 ford explorer xlt i was told it stuck in 4 low I figure easy fix but I guess I was wrong we have tried everything to fix it the DTC codes are 1804 1824 we tried checking the switch inside it tested right so we took the motor off and moved it manually but it still locked into 4wd we tried the battery thing still didn't work tried unhooking the electric clutch still engaged in 4wd any idea what I could do to get it out of 4wd I even tried the brown wire it just put it into 2 wheel high please help I don't know what it could be

I recently bought a 1997 ford explorer xlt i was told it stuck in 4 low I figure easy fix but I guess I was wrong we have tried everything to fix it the DTC codes are 1804 1824 we tried checking the switch inside it tested right so we took the motor off and moved it manually but it still locked into 4wd we tried the battery thing still didn't work tried unhooking the electric clutch still engaged in 4wd any idea what I could do to get it out of 4wd I even tried the brown wire it just put it into 2 wheel high please help I don't know what it could be

This is a simple thing to diagnose. If you manually crank the t-case back to high range, and unplug the connector at the case, and the case is still locked in 4wd, it has a mechanical failure of the transfer case. If the problem goes away, then it's an electrical issue. The fact that there are trouble codes (which I can't seem to look up at the moment) tells me that there is something wrong, but without the code details, I can't even tell you where to begin.

Start with determining whether it's a mechanical or electrical problem and go from there. :)

I'm guessing it is manually because when I crank it over it just puts in in 4 high but still then go back to 4 low I think but that would mean it is manually so where going to repair the transfer case tomorrow
