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99 Eddie Bauer mach system subwoofer out


New Member
June 29, 2014
Reaction score
Year, Model & Trim Level
99 5.0 AWD Eddie Bauer
My subwoofer went out a couple of days ago while driving. It is an aftermarket sub and is 2 months old and not blown. I know it's not blown cuz it comes on intermittently when I switch to cd. But now that has stopped completely also. So, now I have no sub. Any thoughts?

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What's it connected to? Factory sub amp?

Mine was doing the same thing, and when I just replaced my factory headunit with an aftermarket I realized someone had actually replaced the factory headunit at some point, I'm assuming the display of the original one went out or something. Anyways, some wires on the harness for the amp and sub had been cut and then reconnected but they were just twisted together, no butt connectors or anything, so basically just a lose connection. I'd just check all your wires...

So before I wrote this post I had torn apart the rear and took the deck out. I looked at some wiring diagrams and think I might have found the problem. I also have a 6 cd changer. Another thing also the parking brake light on the dash pops up once in awhile, but it has been staying on longer than usual since the sub went out. Anyways. I found a couple of wires on the harness for the deck that were loose. The medium size connector had a black wire and a light blue wire loose. I can't remember exactly what stripe the blue had but I am going to dig into it this week, I will also post pictures.
Justin I'm still going to track the wires from the sub/amp. I am going to go aftermarket on the deck and 4 speakers but I am keeping the amp. The 6 cd changer is getting thrown out. I was just going to cap the wires behind the deck, I would think that's OK.
