'99 Ex 4.0L SOHC swap to 5.0L Mustang LX | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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'99 Ex 4.0L SOHC swap to 5.0L Mustang LX


Active Member
March 13, 2005
Reaction score
City, State
Tucson, AZ
Year, Model & Trim Level
'99 XLT
I've got a 5.0L Mustang LX motor laying around and I've been considering building it up and dropping it into the X. I was curious if anyone had tried this that could give me some input as far as 1. Is is possible 2. What kind of new parts am I looking at. Thanks

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im not too familiarized with engine swaps, but thats sounds nice...maybe you should have to do some mods but I think it will not be a lot..

i have a 302 and a OHV 4.0l x and im lookin to do the same style swap. i kno the transmissions are identical, but the bellhousing and torque converters may be different, as far as mount and member matching goes i have no idea

the transmissions arent the same, if you want to run a 5.0L engine the original tranny wont hook up

FORDfury said:
i have a 302 and a OHV 4.0l x and im lookin to do the same style swap. i kno the transmissions are identical, but the bellhousing and torque converters may be different, as far as mount and member matching goes i have no idea

Don't know where you got your info from, but the trannies are not the same and will not hook up. I wouldn't run a V6 tranny behind a V8, just asking for trouble be it using the a4ld or the mazda 5-speed.

do a search, the 5.0L conversion has been done in every way possible since the early 80's when the Ranger came out, this is a common conversion, however unless the 5.0L is built well the SOHC will liekly rival its power in your truck, so you need to do some research.

The V6's in our trucks are 60 degree blocks and the transmissions bhind them will not bolt up to any small block Ford engine...nor would you want to..

410Fortune said:
do a search, the 5.0L conversion has been done in every way possible since the early 80's when the Ranger came out, this is a common conversion, however unless the 5.0L is built well the SOHC will liekly rival its power in your truck, so you need to do some research.

The V6's in our trucks are 60 degree blocks and the transmissions bhind them will not bolt up to any small block Ford engine...nor would you want to..

The first part does make sence (SOHC puts out power like a v8). SOHC are becoming more popular liek the new v6 stangs. If only I could do more than exhaust, intake, underdrive, efan to to get decent power increases without going big mods
