99 Ex Sport--stalling. Fuel treatment? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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99 Ex Sport--stalling. Fuel treatment?


May 11, 2011
Reaction score
City, State
Colorado Springs,CO
Year, Model & Trim Level
99 Sport 2WD V6 A/T
I have a 99 Sport with about 161K miles. Yesterday it sputtered, stalled & died on me twice. I'm not sure if it's vapor locking (first day of warm weather in months at 63 degrees), needs a fuel system treatment or new fuel pump/filter/charcoal canister so I'd like to start with a good fuel system cleaner. I highly doubt the previous owners ever did much of anything to maintain it. My question is, what would be a brand & treatment y'all would recommend? It's a 4.0, V6, SOHC. Thanks in advance!!

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the best fuel system treatment on the market is Chevron Techron (and that's not just my opinion, it's been proven). I'd also change your fuel filter. A weak pump or clogged filter will sometimes set the CEL with P0171 and P0174 codes.

BTW, your charcoal canister has nothing to do with anything. That's an emissions thing. if anything was going on with it your CEL would be on.

The CEL light is on, actually but was on before this. The codes read O2 sensors so I'll be replacing those in a couple days along with the fuel filter as well. Would you recommend a fuel tank cleaner as well?

The CEL light is on, actually but was on before this. The codes read O2 sensors so I'll be replacing those in a couple days along with the fuel filter as well. Would you recommend a fuel tank cleaner as well?

yes, use the Chevron Techron. I use it every other oil change. the tank isn't so much what you need to clean. it's the fuel injectors and valves.

Great! Thanks so much for your help! :)
