99 Explorer would like a firmer/stiffer ride. What type of shocks? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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99 Explorer would like a firmer/stiffer ride. What type of shocks?


Well-Known Member
November 21, 2010
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City, State
Torrance, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'99 EB 4x4 & '10 XLT 4x4
Yes I have read some of the other posts regarding shocks, but it seems like people want a smoother ride. When I hear that for some reason I think of Cadillac. This is a truck and I want the firm/stiff ride of a truck, if possible. The truck only has 48k miles on it, but I have never been happy with the ride. It reminds me of a Jeep Grand Cherokee I once owned. Way too much monkey motion (side to side wobble, whip lash) when going over bumps.

So what brand/type shock is going to help?


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Bistein, KYB, or Rancho, not necessarily in that order. JMO

Any monotube shock will satisfy you. They control the sway very well without being rock-stiff. Bilstein, KYB (Gas-A-Just or MonoMax), Gabriel MaxControl... The fifth shock is important too in controlling the rear end.

Change out your torsion bars with the Number 1 Rating. Crank them up to your ride height and you'll have a nice firm ride.

I put the rear Monroe sensa trac spring assisted shocks on my 2000 AWD 5.0 Explorer and the ride was noticeably stiffer and it raised the rear height a little. I put these on as I use this vehicle for pulling a boat to help keep the rear end stable and they work fine.

I just put Rancho RS9000XL adjustables on my 2000. At full hard they ride nice and stiff but not harsh. I'm happy because I can soften from there.

I put the rear Monroe sensa trac spring assisted shocks on my 2000 AWD 5.0 Explorer and the ride was noticeably stiffer and it raised the rear height a little.
I read people saying that the ride is "smoother" with those...

Personally I don't like the ideea of putting so much extra tension on the shock supports, they are not designed for extra 500lbs.

After Installing the AAL and KYB Monomax shocks on mine the ride was much noticeably stiffer. Makes it ride more like you would expect it too instead of floating and lurching around lol.

Make sure you get a full eibach kit with Qa1s lmao. The Monroe coilovers work great and dont cost much. Never had a problem with mounts in the 20 plus years I've been putting them on the ranger platform.

Make sure you get a full eibach kit with Qa1s lmao. The Monroe coilovers work great and dont cost much. Never had a problem with mounts in the 20 plus years I've been putting them on the ranger platform.
Agree. Read many posts regarding structural issues, yet to hear of a single failure.

If you're getting lots of rocking motion, check out your body mount bushings, as well as all the other bushings for your suspension. If any are rotted or deteriorated, that can cause a major handling and ride difference. And if you want a nice firm ride, I would go with PolyUrethane bushings and body mounts. They last longer than rubber, ride firmer, and handle tighter. Daystar is the only company that makes full kits, but I think Energy and Prothane make onsies and twosies.

I am looking at shocks and found a good deal on pro comp ES3000's. Anyone know if they are good? I am looking for a stiffer ride, but still comfortable enough for trips

They are dual tube type, similar with Monroe reflex (maybe identical). Not even close to monotubes... Procomp sells monotubes too.

decided to go with Rough Country Nitro 9000s. I'll let you guys know how they are
