"99 Mounty driverside seat "leanback" handle broken, Need suggestions on how to fix. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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"99 Mounty driverside seat "leanback" handle broken, Need suggestions on how to fix.


Explorer Addict
March 6, 2010
Reaction score
City, State
Pittsburgh, Pa.
Year, Model & Trim Level
2003 Explorer Sport Trac
Like the title says, I'm buying a '99 Mounty and the driverside seat "leanback" handle is broken off.

I went to the local junkyard to find on but all of those seem to be broken off as well. I'm guessing this is a common problem but didn't find anything on a search.

I'm thinking of just drilling out the studs and bolting in a makeshift handle. Any suggestions or tips would be greatly appreciated.

Oh, it has power leather seats if that matters.

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You could do what you said, Mine has been broken for quite some time now, almost since I got the truck, but just last week I pulled my seat out and took it a part and welded the original handle on. :p

So you could weld it, or do like you said, or something else maybe.

Do you have the original handle or is that why you went to the junkyard (you made it sounds like you were going to get a whole new lever assembly)

Yeah, I need to find a lever for it, I can just have my neighbor weld it back on once I find one. I'll just go up to Millerstown pic-a-part, They have dozens of Explorers up there.

Anyone else have this problem? Any suggestions?
