'99 XLT All Clean! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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'99 XLT All Clean!


May 18, 2008
Reaction score
Year, Model & Trim Level
'99 XLT
Took several hours to wash her inside and out. Even got the wife to help steam clean the upholstery. I know someone on here wanted a bunch of pictures outside with some sun so here she is...








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Looks very nice!!

sweet looking explorer u got there keep up good work

Good job! Looks immaculate!

Nice truck where did you get your Brush Guard from?? and How much

I actually picked up that brush guard from a Craigslist ad. I only paid $150 for it and it came with tail light guards too. The funny thing is, that brush guard is from a '97 Mountaineer and I had to get a bumper from a '95 Explorer in order for it to fit!

OH dang...do you live around Richmond??? I was looking for brushguards online and saw an ad 150$ with taillight guards....I was going to buy that....looks like you might have beatin me to the punch

Nope. I'm up in Northeast PA and had to go to Long Island to pick it up. What a trip from hell that was... but that's a different story.

Love the front Grill Guard and running boards! ...where can I get those? ....and the aux lights as well.....

Like I said, I got the brush guard from a private seller off of craigslist. The driving lights I got from AA Auto ( they were like $50 or $60 ) and the running boards are factory from Ford.

man i wish my 01 sport was clean like ur explorer urs is in mint mint conditon

Well, when you love something, you try to keep it nice. That way, it lasts forever! The pictures don't really show some of the little nicks and scratches but trust me, they're there.
