a couple of big 3 question | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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a couple of big 3 question


Active Member
June 9, 2006
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City, State
creston nc
Year, Model & Trim Level
1991 eddie bauer
in the next month or so i'm going to order a 200 amp alt for my 91 explorer and i was wondering what size fuse to the alt should i use when i get my new alt? right now i'm using my stock alt and i want to do the big 3 so i was where should i hook the new wires to? i 've found the chaiss to the motor ground and i'm going to be using 1/0 ga wire

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Fuse is to protect the wire so it doesn't matter what size alternator you have.

250 amp fuse should do just fine

in the next month or so i'm going to order a 200 amp alt for my 91 explorer and i was wondering what size fuse to the alt should i use when i get my new alt? right now i'm using my stock alt and i want to do the big 3 so i was where should i hook the new wires to? i 've found the chaiss to the motor ground and i'm going to be using 1/0 ga wire

An inline fuse does nothing more than protect the wire it is attached to. 1/0 gauge cabling happens to be able to support up to around 300 amps. Therefore, the biggest fuse you will want to use is 300.

If I read your post right, you are wondering where to hook the wires? If so, you need to read this thread over at SoundDomain. Its a very good write up. http://forum.sounddomain.com/ubbthreads.php/ubb/showflat/Number/312025/page/1#Post312025

But, for cliffnotes the other 2 wires will be 1) alternator to battery (+) and 2) battery (-) to chassis

Where do you buy the "big 3" wires? Are these just large speaker cables? Does autozone have them?

Where do you buy the "big 3" wires? Are these just large speaker cables? Does autozone have them?

Theya re just power wires, lilke out of an amp power kit.

By the way, my big 3, still need to clean it up, and my HID wires aren't tucked yet:

2 gauge to alt:

two 4 gauge wires bat to chassis, also engien to chassis, didn't take pics of that:
