A couple of questions: engine cut out and rattle | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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A couple of questions: engine cut out and rattle


Active Member
November 4, 2011
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2000 North Face on LPG
First the rattle.
With a cold engine (especially first drive of the day) when the engine is under load, I get a rattle that sounds like the exhaust rattling. Once the engine is fully warmed up I get no hint of this. Could it just be something expanding with the heat that is slightly loose when cold? Any ideas please?

Engine cut out.
In the last few weeks, the engine at start up when cold is a bit hesitant until given a good quick rev up. Then until fully warmed up, it has occasionally cut when stopping at a junction etc.
Also, when I turn the steering while stationary, or almost stationary, it can cut out then too. This tends to be when reversing in to a parking space at work. This is with a warmed up engine too.
Any ideas again please? Does it sound like the 2 engine cut out issues are related?

With regard to the engine cut out issues, it has just occured to me that I had the radiator replaced recently. I am not sure but thinking about it, it is possible it has been since then.

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The usual suspects are the heat shields on the exhaust rattling, and try cleaning the MAF sensor for the stalling.

OK thanks for the info.
I'll check out the MAF sensor once I find out what one is :)

As for the cutting out check for vacuum leaks especially from the lower intake 'o' rings.

The MAF (Mass Air Flow sensor) is attached to the air filter box.:D

Thanks Howard. I just spent the last little while searching through threads for info too.

The MAF will cause cut out to a certain degree as it measures the air coming into the engine and adds the requisite amount of fuel for that amount of air. If it is dirty, more air is actually entering than it thinks and so will be running lean. To clean it you can disconnect it and use electrical contact cleaner liberally sprayed a few times. DO NOT use a cotton bud as it is a thin wire that can be easily broken.
I would be more inclined to point to the Idle Air Control Valve (the little cylinder that fits on top of the intake manifold. On a couple of cars i have owned this has been the culprit of random cutting out. Again remove it and this time you can use electrical contact cleaner or carb cleaner (i prefer carb cleaner for this as it removes a lot more gunk!!)

So do the MAF and if that doesn't sort it then go for the ICV.

On the rattle check the cat heat sheilds

Good hunting

Thanks chaps.
I've just moved house this weekend so it may be a few more before I can get under the bonnet to check.

Managed to find time to clean the MAF last night. This morning it was better at cold start up but then when I put it in Drive and turned the wheel to pull on to the road I thought it was going to cut out - a few extra revs caught it.

I also got the feeling it was going to cut at traffic lights a couple of minutes later but managed to put it in Neutral and give it a quick blip on the throttle. Once fully warmed up though it was no problem.


As already mentioned this sounds like classic inlet manifold failure. There are 6 lower O rings and 2 upper gaskets. Best to replace all at once.


That will have to wait a little while sadly, need to get the house sorted first over the next few weekends.

Where's best to get them in the UK?


As already mentioned this sounds like classic inlet manifold failure. There are 6 lower O rings and 2 upper gaskets. Best to replace all at once.


totally agree you need the 00m12 kit which has the o rings and the updated tensioner and oil capture stick thing that will stop the start up rattle. you get a rattle at start up because the oil slips back into the engine the stick stops this. Mine used to do put the kit on no issues. do a search sometimes people have them on here to sell i got mine from chrisquelch on here. these are the instructions how to do it.


let us know how you get on but this will solve your issues i am sure.

unlikley to be a MAF as you would have got a slow deterioration as the dirt built up and anyway a drowned mine in a swamp offroading this year and hydrolocked the engine dirty clay water went through the inlet must have got on the maf sensor but it ran ok when started after i got the water out, took it off to in inspect and the sensor was brown colour quick spray with brake cleaner done, but no running or starting difference but wouldnt have taken it for a run like that.

Th rattle seems to be exhaust related, not engine. I'll check the heat shields one day when I get some time, too much to do with the house at the moment and weekends also pretty busy.

Can anyone suggest the best place to get the o-rings and gaskets though, or even the whole oom12 kit?

Couldn't get hold of a kit in the UK so have ordered the individual bits from Ford. Cold start is getting worse each day until it warms up a bit.

Well the 00m12 kit was done yesterday and all I can say today is wow.

It only recently had a starting issue with the first start of a day, but on this cold, damp morning, it fired up with the barest miniumum turn of the key, ticked over nicely and I didn't even have to touch the throttle.

It was obviously suffering from engine rattle a little, but was probably being masked by the exhaust rattle because it is quieter now too.

Money well spent :)

Well done. In all the oom12 kits that I have installed I have never come across an explorer that did not benefit from having it installed.

