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A discussion on brakes


Well-Known Member
July 12, 2010
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02 XLT V8
It's time for brakes again on the ol' explorer. In the past I had only used raybestos brake pads and rotors, as they were made in the USA, specificly the rotors. This is no longer the case. So, I am looking to get all new pads and rotors, front and rear. What does everyone out there like, dislike? Any brands that you have had terrible luck with, etc? What about the slotted, drilled or drilled and slotted rotors? I know that there have been issues with cracking of rotors between drill holes and such. What about noise from these "performance" oriented rotors and pads?

I have found good prices for pads and rotors at rock auto and with the raybestos $40 rebate it would be a really good deal, $225 after the rebate shipped. I have also found a complete Power Stop brake kit(front and rear, pads and rotors) for about $60 more, comes with drilled and slotted rotors. Living in the city of Chicago, I am leaning towards trying the power Stop brakes due to the constant stop and go driving.


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I have used stop tech, powerslots and EBC before. I recently had to do brakes again so I am trying Brake Labs (yes the e-bay ones), so far 2,000 miles and I am very impressed. For less then the price of one powerslot rotor I got the whole setup and so far they are just as good or better then any of the others I have used.

I would not get drilled rotors, slotted yes drilled no.

i bought ebc dimpled and slotted rotors and few years back...i def would stick with these...

I know most of you will disagree but i went with motorcraft superduty pads. They have the regular ones and the upgraded "superduty" they are awesome, i had 80k on my original pads and rotors so i figured cant go wrong with oem. They stop great and no noise nor dust. Got them from rockauto. Went F+R pads and rotors all oem.

I know most of you will disagree but i went with motorcraft superduty pads. They have the regular ones and the upgraded "superduty" they are awesome, i had 80k on my original pads and rotors so i figured cant go wrong with oem. They stop great and no noise nor dust. Got them from rockauto. Went F+R pads and rotors all oem.

I also have superduty pads and like them. A dealer tech chimed in in my thread and said they would probably squeek, but mine haven't with about 4k miles on them. Definitely the way to go unless you want to spend the $$ for highend EBC stuff.
