A little help please. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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A little help please.


Active Member
February 15, 2008
Reaction score
City, State
Starkville, Ms
Year, Model & Trim Level
'93 Limited 4x4
I recently purchased a used Pioneer 400w sub in a probend box, a 600w Kenwood Amp, and a capacitor. Got it all for $45, i got it all hooked up and found out why, the Sub is busted. Well i don't have any local stores that carry car audio other than Wal mart, besides a no brand JP3 12 inch 400 watt sub, the only other options are 800 watts +. Someone told me i could run a 800 watt sub on the 600 watt amp, But it just doesn't add up to me. lol.

You can power ANY speaker with ANY amp with no problems.

Use a 1000 watt amp for a 100 watt speaker...still no problems if set up CORRECTLY.

Power is power...how much the amp puts out depends on the input voltage in relation to the input sensitivity.

If you want some suggestions for a low cost quality subwoofer just say the word.
